September 1, 2015

Introduce Yourself

Hotep! My vision for the Electronic Village is simple. I want you to feel that you have entered a warm and welcoming enclave where you can rest for a moment under our baobob tree and share libations with fellow villagers.

Just relax for a moment in your hectic surfing through cyberspace ... relax and enjoy the vibe of our Electronic Village.

We hope that our voice is a worthy one in the blogosphere. The Electronic Village strives to share information that uplifts people of African descent throughout the diaspora. There are a number of ways that you can hear our drumbeat in a timely manner. However, we realize that it is your drumbeat that makes us better. Please comment freely on any post that you read here in the Electronic Village.

If you have any questions, or want to promote your blog then you can do this here! Just leave a 'comment' to this post.


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Unknown said...

Hi Nicole! I hope you come back often to share your village voice with us! I just checked and your blog, 'Love Life and Music' is BBR #1048...

The Urban Scientist said...

Thanks villager for the community. It's always a first stop for me.

Unknown said...

Urban Scientist - Asante sana! My rumor posts have increased traffic over the past week 3-fold. The new folks don't leave comments though. Hmmm, I should check to see if the Republican National Committee is checking me out (smile)...

Unknown said...

Much respect to all and thanks to Villager for keeping it movin'

Writing here to reannounce a blog - changed url -

All best,


Woozie said...

Impressive turnout you got here. I didn't know Blogger had a limit to the comments they show on one page.

Unknown said...

J - Your blog is now BBR #1448...

Woozie - This is a long-standing post. I didn't know about the 200 thing either. As an aside, your blog is now BBR #669...

Big Mama said...

I always learn smething worthwhile when I visit your blog!

Unknown said...

Iya - Asante sana! I'm glad that you were able to figure out the comments feature...

Bsquared86 said...

*waves*Hey everyone, I'm Bsquared86 and I just started blogging over at!

It's a personal blog with a dab of poetry and political commentary here and there. You never know what you'll get when you stop by!

This blog seems pretty cool, I'll definitely be dropping in often!

Unknown said...

BSquared - I'm glad that you found us out here in the afrosphere! Your blog is now BBR #1449...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Recently found this blog while randomly searching the net and I am glad I did. This site is excellent.

I have recently started my blog The World According to Esquire I am blogging about current events, the election, sports, law and life.

Unknown said...

Esquire - You are a Lakers fan ... so you are tops in my book! I hope that you continue to grow your blog over the coming weeks and months. You blog is currently BBR #1464...

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your visit and invitation. Yes, I would like to be added to your rankings. I appreciate and welcome the opportunity to join such a group of writers. Please visit often as I will be quite busy during and after this election season. -PA

Revvy Rev said...

Are you aware of The Certain Truth, offering reflections on the issues facing a socially conscious contemporary urban ministry including a theological perspective on the day to day issues faced by a marginalized people.

Unknown said...

Revvy Rev - I have not heard of 'Certain Truth'. Is it a blog? or a physical place?

Unknown said...

I was wondering how I could go abut getting my blog listed on your roll, and how I could apply to join the Afrosphere? You can respond here, or feel free to email me, as that information is listed on my Blogger profile. Thanks!


N/A said...

Check out Identity, Race, Racism, Labels & Shortcuts: Hopefully Not a Remake of the Same Song, But a Somewhat Familiar, Yet Still Engaging, New Tune


Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

Happy New Year,

I thought I'd sent a hello months ago, but now realize afrosphere and afrospear are different (and a little confusing, hence the Facebook mix-up). My blog is and feel free to visit! I'd like to be added to the blog roll as well.

Unknown said...

Acts of Faith - Your blog, Acts of Faith in Love and Life has been added to the Black Blog Rankings. It is currently BBR #364...

Unknown said...

Nia - I just visited your Talented Masses portal. That is a remarkable website with a wealth of information. I plan to visit it often...

Unknown said...

Lauren - Just provide me with the URL for your Black-owned, Black-operated blog and we'll add it to the list. As for joining the AfroSpear ... you simply need to visit the GoogleGroup and apply for membership.

N/A said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for what you are doing. I am a Caucasian posting about intercultural ministry. Today I began The Journey: Forty Days of Promise--Celebrating the Legacy of African American Christianity. Your readers can join The Journey at:

Bob Kellemen (author of Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Christianity)

Unknown said...

RPMMinistries - I imagine that in this 'Obama era' ministries such as yours that encourage cross-cultural dialogue are experiencing greater support. I wish you well in the RW (real world) and your blog! I hope you find reason to visit our village often in the future...

The Hollywood Bubbly said...

Hello everyone! This is Monique representing Dallas, TX. I am the author of The Hollywood Bubbly, formerly That Hotness. Celebrity News delivered daily, well whenever I get a chance.

Unknown said...

Monica - I hope you have chance to visit with us more often in the future. Good luck with your blog!

Veronica said...


Thanks for all the love over the past year and thanks for giving us this opportunity to get to know each other.

Exquisitely Black
blogging from

Unknown said...

Veronica - Asante sana!

Rue said...

Thanks for this glad to connect with the diaspora is such a direct and meaningful way!

Rue Mapp
"Bringing Together African Americans and the Outdoors"

Monica Roberts said...

Hotep Villager,
Thanks for everything you do to promote the Afrosphere and raise our profiles in the general blogosphere as well.

To those of you who don't know me, I'm the host of the BBR Top 50 ranked blog TransGriot.

I discuss GLBT issues, Black history, being an African-American transwoman and various subjects through that prism.

My blog was a 2008 Weblog Award finalist for Best LGBT blog, so I cordially invite Villagers to stop by and check it out.

underOvr (aka The U) said...


I stopped by after reading a fellow blogger's post (Ms. Lady Deborah's: My Brown Eyed View). In it she cited that, "the Villager always has something for the head...".

I look forward to reading more of your informative writing which I've discoverd on this blog.


Unknown said...

U - I'm grateful to Lady D for sharing info about our blog with you. Your online novel is quite creative. I've added your blog to the Black Blog Rankings. You are currently BBR #1637...

Unknown said...

Monica - Asante sana for your continued support!

Rue - You have a unique niche with Outdoor Afro blog! I've added your blog to the Black Blog Rankings. You are currently BBR #1638...

Treasure-Ebooks said...


I am new here I just discover this blog and am very happy to read so much information.
Coreta Odje

Unknown said...

Coreta - I visited your blog today. I've already added you to my RSS-feed. You provide powerful information. Currently, your blog is BBR #1654...

I hope you find reason to come back and visit with us again.

Anonymous said...

Wow. 236 "drumbeats" and counting. Nevermind a village; you've got an entire county. :)

Keep up the outstanding work!

- Andre

Unknown said...

Andre - Thanx for the compliment! I've added your blog to the Black Blog Rankings. You come in as BBR #1166...

Max Reddick said...

Max Reddick from soulbrother v.2. Just stopped by to wander around the village and take in a few sights. Was recommended by RiPPa over at Intersection of Madness and Reality. Will definitely return soon!

Unknown said...

Max - I'm very appreciative of the powerful voice of RiPPa. I hope that many more folks find their way to his blog. I welcome your village voice and I appreciate the fact that you've added this blog to your sidebar blogroll. Your blog is currently BBR #1659...

caddlewash said...

Hello there

I just discovered your site through Womanist Musings. I'm a Barbadian blogger living on London, and I write over at The Mongoose Chronicles.

I'm pleased to find this community. You're doing great things.

Karyn L. Folan said...

Hello Villager,

My friend Rev. Lisa Vazquez at BlackWomenBlowtheTrumpet suggested I post my blog here. It's called My Own Little Corner ( and

This a great site. Happy to support it.


Unknown said...

Karyn - Lisa (BWBTT) is a remarkable blogger. There is much power in her writing. I see that you started your own blog this month. It is currently BBR #1708. What caused you to decide to become a blogger?

Unknown said...

Mar - I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you come back often and that you share your COMMENTS whenever you visit! as for your blog -- it is now BBR #677 at the present time!

Unknown said...

Electronic Village has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more visitors here.

Fitness Goddess said...

This is site is a great resource for black blogs. I started a a blog about Black Women Health & Fitness Issues about year ago. I wanted to share it with you all.

Here's my blog blurb

Motivated by the lack of information about Black Women's Fitness issues, I am creating a Community for Black Women to voice their concerns and discuss issues related to physical health. I will share information about my experience. We all know that the Black Women's experience has its complexities. From the prevalence of diabetes and breast cancer in our community to not working out because we just paid $75 dollars to get our hair done, there are a ton of issues!

Unknown said...

Fitness Goddess - I appreciate you taking time to introduce yourself. I hope that our villagers will check you and your blog out.

As an aside, your blog is now on the Black Blog Rankings. It is currently BBR #717 and rising!

LB said...

Hello Villagers,
My name is LaTonya. My blog covers everything I can think of and write down about a southern woman born and raised in Arkansas. My posts consisently talk about my struggles, achievements, and pet peeves. Feel free to check me out at Maybe I am the only black blogger in Arkansas?

Sneferu said...


This is a great community to grow, strengthen, and develop ourselves as a prominent people, yet once again. Our legacy and antiquity speaks for itself. Studying our past (Sankofa), and living a balanced life (Ma'at); will surely keep us in the glory and honor of our ancestors!

Hotep Family!


Unknown said...

Snefeur - We've added your blog to the Black Blog Rankings. It is currently BBR #1357...

Prospector said...

I am trying to find audio and video based blogs and podcasts and zines to write about and link to but the brothers and sisters have so much going on that it's hard to stay on track sometimes.

I'm also hoping that some day some ambitious soul will start a Cocoa Mob movement based on the carrotmob. Gotta start somewhere, right?

The Electronic Village is always a good jump off point when I go to scan the web for blogs and sites of interest, thanks for being there,


Unknown said...

OneChele - Your blog is very good. I appreciate the time, talent and energy that you place into it. I hope that you find reason to come by and share your village voice with us in the future...

Prospector - Thank you for your kind words. I hope you find the video bloggers that you seek! Sadly, I don't even own a camera...

Carl Webb said...

I'm Carl Webb and I'm trying to learn how to be a better blogger. I've set up a few blogs but I don't understand all of the technology behind them. I intend to use the internet as a tool for political activism. The two blogs I'm concentrating on are on Blogspot and WordPress:

Unknown said...

Carl - I'll head over to your blogspot blog (No Iraqi Ever Called Me a Nigga). My main tip for you is to provide good content. Everything else flows from that one factoid...

Anna Renee said...

Wow, I was just commenting on another's blog about the need for unification throughout throughout Africa and the Diaspora, then I happen upon this blog! Thank You Lord! My name is Anna Renee, born in America, San Francisco California. Glad to be a member of the Village! visit any of my three blogs!! Peace and love

Unknown said...

Anna - Thank you very much for your kind words. I hope that you find reason to visit us often. I've visited all three of your blogs today. I have much respect for anyone that can keep multiple blogs current as you are doing. I've added one of your blogs to my sidebar as a 'village warrior' and I'm adding another of them to my RSS-feed so I can keep current with your blog posts. Welcome to da Village!

Carl Webb said...

Thanks for the advice Villager.

claudia said...

Hi To All Villager Readers,

It's not often that you find a African American blog online that allows you to express yourself in writing. Thanks Electronic Village. This is truly a blessing!

Unknown said...

Claudia - Asante sana for your kind and encouraging words. I hope you find reason to come back and visit with us often! Tell a friend...

Mthoko said...

Great blog, am a new villager from Zimbabwe, based in South Africa. I hope to read more from you as well as to have you all visit me on

Unknown said...


I've posted here a few times. This isn't really an introduction, but I came across something while helping a friend for a school assignment and thought I would share it:

From Wikipedia ( ): "The Crisis is the official magazine of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and was founded by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1910."

While helping my friend look for old articles, I found that "The Crisis" magazine is almost entirely archived on Google Books, going back to 1911.,bkt:m&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=TrrMTILMLJG4sQPMn9CPDg&ved=0CBMQpwU&fp=1&cad=b

If you add a year and/or month to the end of the search criteria, you can read articles from nearly 100 years ago, many about issues very similar to ones discussed on this blog.

Daniel said...

Hi there folks,

Maybe you can provide with some advice from beneath the baobab tree;) I am about to create a series of mixed media paintings, and am looking for a theme. I am very disturbed by what I learned on FGM, and thought of tackling this.I know this is not an exclusively African topic, but it does occur in Africa a lot Obviously, this is a very sensitive and painful subject, so any advice on how to approach this will be welcomed

Miriam said...

Hi Villager, just sayin hey! Great blog. And thanks for the link.

ACORNgangsta said...

I would like to thank my black people. We have cured abandoned children, AIDS, drug addiction, welfare dependincy, unemployment, and crime. We are proud we are strong. God bless Obama, he has saved us all. Or at the very least trashed Americas credit rating. Typical nigga!

Unknown said...

ACORNgansta - You try the patience of a well-meaning blogger. However, I appreciate your visit to my blog nonetheless!

Susan Barringer Wells (Vaughan) said...

I'd like permission to use the image on your blog for my petition about taser control

Please let me know:

I have an older one on the case in AU, and they are outraged after only 5 deaths - we have 500 reported.

Please let me know asap


Unknown said...

Susan - You are welcome to use any image you find on this blog.

Prospector said...

Hi Tamarva,

Is it posible for us to take "18" Song - Dedicated to the memory of Trayvon Martin viral, in an effort to bring widespread attention to the loss of life among young Black Americans?

Yesterday I discovered a song on youtube that just begs to be the anthem we need to bring attention to the senseless loss of life of our young people. It's about the murder of Trayvon Martin, but it was written in order to apply to all of the youth who are at risk or have lost their lives for little or no good reason. It may be an oversimplification on my part but I think we should try to spread this song along with it's message and along with our message that it's time to start actively making something happen to end this attack on our young people. Jessica Ann has given us this vehicle why don't we see if we can't make a difference.
I hope at least we can get some discussion going on the topic. As for myself I'm already started, I have been pushing and sharing with friends on facebook and google plus and via email in an effort to get them sharing and talking about the song and the situation. You can see my blogpost (which is evolving with time) at-

or just watch the song on youtube at-

I am not involved with the authors of this song and have no personal interests
economically with anyone involved with it. That said, if they do profit by the spread of this song, that, IMO can only serve as an example to some of our creative young composers that there is a place for positive Black music.

If what I am saying makes sense to you then please spread the music and the word.
The Web Prospector
Black Media Mine

glncv said...

I'd like to promote your site on my site - Community Village. Which logo of yours could I use? Also, how much do you charge for an ad spot on your site?

glncv said...

Your donate link is working but the campaign has expired. Paypal will let you embed a button somewhere I believe.

glncv said...

Do you have a blog post listing pepper spray incidents?

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