October 13, 2008

McCain Teaches Volunteers to Link Obama to Terrorism

According to Time, McCain campaign staffers in Virginia are teaching volunteers to see Barack Obama as having terrorist 'friends,' and then providing these volunteers with arguments for persuading voters that Sen. Obama, like Osama Bin Laden, shares responsibility for bombings of the Pentagon.

You can read the full story here.


msladyDeborah said...

Hotep Villager!

The best way that I know to combat this madness is to get folks to the polls to vote and beat the Mundane Mavericks down.

It really is a shame to bear witness to how desperate and lowdown the GOP ticket is.

SjP said...

What McCain is doing is dangerous. History teaches us that such tactics have often resulted in the shedding of blood and lose of lives.

I agree with Deborah. I'm voting on Saturday along with my Best Half and our 2 young Sojourners who will be voting in their first presidential election.

Anonymous said...

McCain is creating a beast he can't control. This is shown by the booing he received a few days ago when he attempted to tone down the anger at this campaign rallies.

sjp - Congrats to to your 2 young Sojourners who will be voting in their first presidential election

RiPPa said...

I read that article late last night and I wasn't surprised. It just goes to show the levels that the GOP will stoop to in an attempt to win.

They've been doing it for years ever since Nixon brought out "The Southern Strategy" to create divisiveness. As recent as the 2004 preseidential elections, they've admitted to doing just this.

clnmike said...

Man I cant wait for this election to be over.

Unknown said...

Lady D - I agree with you. Best revenge is massive success. I think that I'm going to take time *tomorrow* to go do my early voting thing here in Ohio.

Sojourner - Desparation makes us do dangerous things. McCain is desparate. It is demeaning to him...

Esquire - I hope you come back and share your village voice with us again in the future. And I hope that you follow the example of Sojourner ... and 'early vote' if possible!

RiPPa - I will be nice to see the 'Southern Strategy' turned on its head. I think Obama may win a number of southern states this year (Arkansas, Florida)

Mike - I feel ya'!

DC to BC said...

what mccain is doing IS dangerous. it's like backwards progress almost. oh boy.

Unknown said...

DC to BC - The good thing is that it doesn't look like it will work this time...

SjP said...

I'm with Clmike. I'm really ready for this to all be over. Is it just me - or just everything that's going on now (election, war, north korea, etc) - but, is anybody else feeling just plain scared?

@ Esquire, I think I'm more excited than they are. Kinda of funny. They both realize how historical this election is and are understand the importance. But, by the same token, they ask the question "why did it take so long"? A question, ironically, I don't ask because I never thought - never even considered the possibility - that in my lifetime that I would see a viable African-American presidential candidate.

Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

what else is new,they will try any and everything to cause a ripple in progress

Anonymous said...


It's desperation, plain and simple. And desperation is all the McCain/Palin campaign has left.

Unknown said...

Remorji - Thank you for sharing your village voice with us. I hope you find reason to come back often.

re: McCain-Palin campaign. I agree. They want to gum up the works. The question on the table is whether America will allow it to happen again...

KeithI agree. We can't allow desparate people to do things that will lead us down a slippery slope that our nation can ill-afford to go down again...