Boston police officer Justin Barrett has been fired after sending a mass e-mail referring to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as a "jungle monkey."
Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis found out about the e-mail on Tuesday and immediately stripped Barrett of his gun and badge. The e-mail was sent anonymously to his Barrett's fellow guard members and the Boston Globe.
"We want to rid our department of the cancer, and that is what we did," Boston Mayor Tom Menino said. "An individual preaching hate has no place in our society."A member of the National Guard, Justin Barrett sent the e-mail to fellow National Guard members.
Villager's View: Kudos to the Boston mayor for taking care of business. I've not heard of Mayor Menino before today ... but, he's now near the top of my 'best mayors' list!
What say u?
I'm glad they got rid of his ass pretty much right on the spot and didn't waste time with it. I'd like to see if any Black cops are gonna stand up and ask an apology of him.
I must share this with my readers, just unbelievable in this day and age.
RiPPa - The speed that Boston fired this cop is remarkable ... especially since it is BOSTON that we're talking about...
Ed - It is sad commentary that people are willing to lose their jobs over such tomfoolery...
Villager: When you look at this email episode, the increased conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the U.S. and the fact that Sotomayor, Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, was raked over the coals for four successive days in a row, it's clear that many whites don't want to accept the fact that their president is a black man.That's what this is really about-- acceptance of black people who stay in their place (in the back behind them, except in sports), hatred of blacks who decide to show intelligence and lead.
thank goodness for his termination.
behavior like that, especially from police is not even worth consideration.
i go to school in boston. coming from another city, miami, i've found police in the boston area to be incredibly discourteous and unusually aggressive.
Boston police, get your act together! Get some education, and start respecting the citizens that you're supposed to serve.
MacDaddy - You may be right. There appears to be a growing willingness on the part of folks ... like this Boston cop ... to go public with their race-based dislike of the first family. Our choice is in how we respond. First, I think we need to shine the light on incidents like this one. I try to do so with my blog. Second, I think that we don't stoop to their level ... but rather respond with professionalism as our president appears to be doing. Obama has been in a number of scrapes during his campaign and now in office. He always seems to stay cool and calm and that seems to work for him. I hope it works during this period of race-baiting that we're seeing now...
Yong - I simply don't like very much about Boston ... and I don't live there. Your feedback on the rude and unprofessional behavior of their police force seems to be in lock-step with the cop calling Prof. Gates outside of his name. I do like how the Boston police chief and mayor responded.
I wonder what the National Guard plans to do in punishment to this guy?
And to think, we are only 6 months into the Obama presidency.
Prepare for a rough 3 and a half more years.
CCGroovy - Do u think we'll ever get back to the feeling of sheer joy that we had back on November 4, 2008 when the election results came in?
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