So, what did the coroner, Dr. F.K. King conclude in his autopsy report?
Dr. King says that Mr. Buckner died of NATURAL CAUSES: "In my opinion the taser event did not cause the death or make significant contribution to the death. At autopsy there were no significant injuries or signs of foul play."
Anyhow, you can read the entire Medical Examiner's Report.
Erlanger, where the taser-killing took place, has remained largely silent on the incident, saying that out of respect to all parties involved they won't comment on an ongoing criminal investigation. This afternoon, they released the following statement:
"With full recognition that this was an unfortunate and tragic event, we now know the results of the medical examiner's report and can now move forward and complete our own review. Once we have had the opportunity to study the full report from the medical examiner, as well as the results of the CPD investigation, we will complete a thorough internal review of this incident and respond accordingly."I hope that somebody in the powers-that-be ivory tower get a little more honest in their reviews and investigations. 'Natural Causes' ain't gonna fly ... after all, WE AIN'T Boo-Boo-the-Fool!
1. There is no excuse for taser shooting a hospital patient.
2. It is unbelievable that Mr. Buckner just happened to die when he happened to be taser shot THREE TIMES.
3. An eye witness described a sick man who never fought, who was tasered three times WHILE ON THE GROUND.
Good lord, they've changed Mr Buckner's cause of death from INCONCLUSIVE on 12/2/09 with no PHYSICAL evidence to explain what actually killed Edward Buckner to
NOW THERE IS physical evidence?
And the link in the 12/2 article does not work anymore.
Written by Louis Lee
December 2, 2009 – 12:01 pm
The autopsy of a 53-year-old mental health patient who died after being tased at Erlanger Medical Center is inconclusive. There was no physical evidence to explain what actually killed Edward Buckner.
The Medical Examiner is now waiting on lab results to see if there’s a chemical reason for his death.
Buckner was a patient at Moccasin Bend Mental Health Facility and was taken to Erlanger for treatment of dehydration. As Buckner was being brought back to Moccasin Bend, he became combative, and officers say they were forced to use a taser.
Yet a witness to the incident told NewsChannel 9 that Buckner appeared to be weak and fell to the ground. When hospital employees couldn’t get him to stand, officers were called in.
The witness says one of the officers shocked Buckner three times with his taser. The investigation is focusing on how many times the taser was used, and if it was necessary.
Erlanger Security Guards are commissioned by the City of Chattanooga to carry weapons on the hospital campus.
No, I found the link again from 12/2/09
How does the autopsy change from no physical evidence of what killed him to bilateral pulmonary embolism a few days later?
I should think BILATERAL pulmonary embolism would be a straightforward observation at autopsy.
Sissy - Thank you for the corrected URL on the original story. Also, I agree with you ... this taser-related death is unconsciousable. I truly think that he would be alive if not for the 3 taser shots into his helpless and elderly body.
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