A Call to Action:
Improvement and Achievement for Black Men -
Improvement and Achievement for Black Men -
'Rumble Young Man, Rumble'!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Your City, Your Space, Your Leadership
In cities across America, Black males are being called to Action, Improvement and Achievement. In each of ten cities, 25 men from 25 organizations will meet for 6 hours and then engage in an key actions to improve their communities and our country. These solutions and actions will be shared with men and organizations throughout America.
One of the key features of this day will be a 10 a city video conference role call introducing 250 Black men from across America, to each other, who are doing the work.
Each session in each city will:
- Contribute to a national solution on the issues of Black men
- Create a clearing house of Black male achievement, improvement and action organizations in that city
- Connect the people of that city to Black male improvement and achievement agencies in that city
- Connect the work of Black male improvement and achievement organizations in other cities across the county
- Connect men and elders with youth and women in their communities
- Get Black men into action improving their children, families, communities and cities.
- Chronicle achievement and improvement of Black men and Black people in your city and across the country
- Seek funding and resources to support organizations doing this work
Picture from the Million Man March in 1996 organized by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan |
Planning the Day:
- Choose a Theme
- Choose a Space
- Choose a Day
- Choose a Facilitator/Moderator
- Choose a Scribe/Recorder
- Choose an Action
- Choose 25 participants
- Choose a Keynote Speaker or Expert Panel
- Choose Youth Participants or Women Partners
- Choose a Date for Next Meeting
Themes for Black men to choose for their session/city:
1) Entrepreneurship/Business/Personal Finance
2) Health/Nutrition/Emotional Wellness
3) Education
4) Relationships - Male/Male - Male/Female - Young/Old - Other Races
5) Incarceration/New Jim Crow
6) Family Development and Community Development
7) Mentorship
8) Fatherhood and Father Absence
9) Spirituality, Religiosity and Faith
10) History and Culture
11) Other Themes
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see!
Rumble young man, rumble!"
I'm going to keep an eye on what evolves from this effort.
Lady D - That is why I shared the information ... in the hopes that more nubian eyeballs would become aware of this 'call to action'. I wonder if we will see anyone step up for this initiative in Ohio?
All - As of today (10/21/11) the following cities have signed on: Albany NY, Atlanta, Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Chicago, Cincinnati, Jackson MS, Indianapolis, Louisville, Milwaukee, Newark NJ, New York City, Peoria IL and Washington DC.
You can learn more on Facebook.
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