March 12, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro Unveils Racist Campaign Strategy of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is about to watch her campaign explode in her face if she does not take immediate and forceful action to place a gag in the mouth of her surrogates. Clinton's weak protest just ain't enough. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell started the Clinton campaign on this slippery slope with his racially motivated comments. Clinton fundraiser Geraldine Ferraro continued the race taunting earlier this week when she said that Barack Obama is only winning the nomination because he is Black. In effect, she called Obama an 'affirmative action baby'.

Perhaps it is nothing more than sour grapes. After all, Ferraro was truly an 'affirmative action baby' when Walter Mondale selected her to be his VP running mate in the 1984 campaign. Her only redeeming value was that she was a woman. Perhaps Ferraro is so embittered by that experience that she cannot see the skills, talent and ability that Obama is showing the world with his campaign.

Hillary refused to shut Ferraro down when she had a chance. So Ferraro was emboldened enough to continue her racist remarks about the Obama campaign. Check it out:

"I have to tell you that what I find is offensive is that everytime somebody says something about the campaign, you're accused of being racist. Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up. Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"

What is your thought about Geraldine Ferraro's comments? Why is Hillary Clinton supporting these racially-divisive comments from her surrogates? Am I being too sensitive about this stuff?


Unknown said...

I don't think you are being overly sensitive about the Geraldine Ferraro issue. I believe that she is somewhat of a hyprocite because she was in essence an "affirmative action" baby, as evidenced from her groundbreaking campaign for the VP spot with Walter Mondale. How quickly they forget. Hillary Clinton and her team have fanned the flames of racial tension in their actions. Her campaign called for the resignation of Samantha Power from the Obama team for calling her a "monster" and she got her wish. Isn't it fair for her to release Ferraro from her campaign for the hateful things she said about Obama? No, they want Obama to keep having to defend himself and keep it going. What little shred of respect I had left for Bill Clinton is gone and much the same for Hillary Clinton. Her campaign manager tried to turn the tables and blame Obama for this dustup with Ferraro. How insulting. If they keep this up, they are going to give John McCain an enormous gift--the presidency. If Hillary continues to foment this tension, she will come out on the losing end. Actually, what they are trying to do is make this a black/white issue. I echo your words, SHAME ON YOU TEAM CLINTON!

Woozie said...

The Clintons are too smart to employ such overt racism or racialism, especially after the disastrous failure in South Carolina.

Ferraro's a four letter word of the highest order and Hillary should have fired her after the first remarks because having that mess tied to your campaign is damaging, if not because of the simple rudeness of the comment itself.

Unknown said...

Janet - Amazingly enough Ferraro showed up on Good Morning America today to continue this tirade of her. I guess she wants to crowd out the Spitzer resignation in this news cycle (smile)...

Woozie - Team Clinton is very smart and I doubt that anything is occurring without their express permission and blessing. Playing the race card is a calculated risk that they are taking to blow up the Obama campaign. The question --> will America fall for it this time?

Anonymous said...

Her statements are outrageous and unfounded.

Unknown said...

SOAPB Mom - Welcome to our village! I hope you come by often. Re: Geraldine Ferraro, all I can say is shame on her for interjecting race into our presidential election...

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Just saw where Geraldine Ferraro has resigned her position with the Clinton campaign... and rightfully so... what a racist witch.

There should be NO racism in 2008!!!

the poet Shazza said...
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the poet Shazza said...

At this point in the election, when Hyper-Sensitivity from the votes, Black folk and White Women, both campagins knocking off advisors like chess pieces (you take my Foreign Advisor I take your Head of Fund Raising)and the posibility that both sides are running out of 'limited political tricks" to knock the other off without giving too much ammo to the Republican Party, I might have to grugingly agree with Ferraro.

I have been very critical of both Clinton and Obama camps, especially as the campaigns are coming closer to an end. I also see and feel the energy of America becoming more HYPER-SENSITVE to every little thing that is said that in my opinion both sides are distorting and blowning out of proportion simple conversations and making them daggers for racial and gender bias. mix that with the notion that people usually let others define and explain what people say as oppose to thinking for themsleves and you only feed into the ignorance.

I will say this much about Ferraro, only a SMALL part of what she said was true BUT in the contexts in which she used it was ALL WRONG and OUT OF TIME.

Obama has as estimated 87% of the National Black Vote. No other Black or White Candidate in America running for President ever got those numbers from Black folk and it should be aknowledged. For Blacks to be OVER-SENSITIVE when Non-Blacks mention it does the whole process a great dis-service. In Ferraro's case, MEN and WOMEN voted AGAINST HER bid for Vice-President in 1984 so to associate her experience with Obama's is WRONG AND MISPLACED.

If she is or isn't a racist, if she meant to say something positive or not in regards to Obama, it wasn't what she said ... it was more the SOUND BITE that BRAODCASTED AROUND THE WORLD because no one really knows, heard, read or comprehended the whole statement which was a Paragraph long.

The Obama camp had good reason to attack Ferraro. Its what you call Good Political Strategy. Ferraro is good at what she does POLITICALLY and she is a DAMN GOOD FUND RAISER. You take that away from Hillary Clinton's camp and it does more hurt her than the bad press about Ferraro's SOUND BITE.

THAT LADIES AND GENTS IS THE REAL REASON WHY SHE'S GONE and not what she said or didn't say. This is all back office POLITICAL TRIAGE. The Clinton camp drew blood on his campaign's staffers and now Obama hit Hillary where is matters the most, HER POCKERBOOK.

Unknown said...

At this point everything will be magnified and multiplied by the media. We still have quite a while to go until we choose a new President, a lot can transpire in that time...
But I do believe that some things are "allowed" to happen and allowed to be said.

Unknown said...

Dixie - I feel sorry for Mrs. Ferraro because she doesn't seem to understand that her comments are offensive to large segments of Americans of all nationalities, gender and skin color...

Shazza Nakim - I don't think this was hyper-sensitivity. Her comments were offensive. Many people, Black and white understood it. She was given time to correct the record or apologize ... instead she dug a deeper hole for herself. The sad part is that her colleague, Hillary Clinton, let her sink for cynical reasons of race politics. I continue to be disappointed in the Clinton campaign...

Regina - Team Clinton deliberately let the racially divisive comments of Ferraro hang out there for a few days. Even now Hillary hasn't rejected and denounced Ferraro's words and intent...

the poet Shazza said...

I think you missed the point of the last two paragraphs .. let me re-post it for you:

"The Obama camp had good reason to attack Ferraro. It's what you call Good Political Strategy. Ferraro is good at what she does POLITICALLY and she is a DAMN GOOD FUND RAISER. You take that away from Hillary Clinton's camp and it does more to hurt her than the bad press about Ferraro's SOUND BITE.

THAT LADIES AND GENTS IS THE REAL REASON WHY SHE'S GONE and not what she said or didn't say. This is all back office POLITICAL TRIAGE. The Clinton camp drew blood on his campaign's staffers and now Obama hits Hillary where is matters the most, HER POCKETBOOK."

.. to add, while everyone including the media and the pundits like Kieth Olbermann are ranting about Ferraro, Obama and Clinton are assessing the damage control of loosing KEY MEMBERS of their staff before Pennsylvania. Its like CHESS, Obama lost two people due to Clinton's people calling fowl and now Clinton lost a MAJOR piece, Her Fund Raiser, to Obama's calling of fowl.

Thats how its played PEOPLE and those that are caught in the wave are the PAWNS. WAKE UP AND TAKE THE RED PILL ... you are in the MATRIX.

Unknown said...

Shazza Nakim - Asante sana for the clarification...

justjudith said...

i called ferraro's antics sour grapes also. i agree with keith olbermann -- why hasn't hillary created more distance between her and this quasi-racist rhetoric? by not doing so, she is just saying she agrees. nice.

Demeur said...

I think everybody missed something here. Clinton has lost the momentum and just like they do in Hollywood she went for negative press to get herself out front. It's an old technique and sadly it doesn't work because we've all caught on to this or at least we should have. As for Ferraro and fund raising Geraldine can do that whether inside the camp or outside. But she now can't put her face or voice to any ads.

Vanessa said...

The Clinton camp hopes to take white voters away from Obama via race-baiting, divisive tactics. She also hopes to take away black voters from Obama by pretending to be so caring.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party (my party) is famous for self-destructive campaigns, this one may become that way too. I hope not and that we will focus on what counts and ask the right questions. Here's an upfront take on all the Isms in our election this year:

Unknown said...

Judith - I think we know why Clinton didn't distance herself. She was too busy planning on her revenge --> video of Jerimiah Wright's hateful sermons. (sigh) ...

Demeur - Excellent point. I see that Hillary is being very quiet over the past few days. I imagine that she is hoping that Obama implodes from this issue with Rev. Wright...

Vanessa & Richard - I agree with you both. It appears that the Democratic Party, led by Team Clinton, is ready to blow itself up rather than acknowledge that Barack Obama is the logical and deserving nominee...

Anonymous said...

Gibbler says; Why is what Geraldine Ferraro said so bad. It's the truth. Look if Obama was white he might have won Iowa but after that all you groupthink special interest communist minded negroes would have put your eggs in Hillary's basket and that would have been the end of Obama. George Bush got almost as much black support as Hillary has and thats a sad indictment of your racist race. The main thing though with your people is keeping up image and silencing the dissident like good commies. The truth hurts doesn't it? And the blacks problem is they can never face it. I know the straight deletions are coming because you simple minded bonabos can't think outside the box. So herd together like the black lemmings of Hurricane Katrina (Katrina to the bureaucratically informed I know) and cry some en masse.
