I plan to share the Villager's BBR later this month on the NPR News & Notes Blogger's Roundtable. With any luck the other topic for that day will be the upset victories by Barack Obama in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries!
Anyhow, it has been a pleasure to share the Top 10 Black Blogs over the past five months. I remain open to ideas and suggestions from all Villagers on ways that this project can be more useful to you. What other features or information would you like to see in future iterations of this list?
We plan to publish interviews with some of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR. Please use your Village Voice to contact me if you would like to be interviewed! Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) is the driving force behind the BBR. Let others have lists of so-called influential bloggers with no melanin. We created our own list to highlight the talent and creativity (Kuumba) that exists in our own community. And our list continues to grow grow:
We plan to publish interviews with some of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR. Please use your Village Voice to contact me if you would like to be interviewed! Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) is the driving force behind the BBR. Let others have lists of so-called influential bloggers with no melanin. We created our own list to highlight the talent and creativity (Kuumba) that exists in our own community. And our list continues to grow grow:
- Sept 2007 list ranked 75 Black blogs.
- Oct 2007 list ranked 300 Black blogs
- Nov 2007 list ranked 430 Black Blogs
- Dec 2007 list ranked 516 Black Blogs
Today we release the January 2008 BBR with 602 Black blogs in the mix with much love to the Top Ten Black Blogs:
- Angel Laws: Concrete Loop* (Authority: 1,111 / Rank:
2,225) - [Entertainment] This blog has been in the #2 slot since we began the rankings, however, this month Concrete Loops reached the top slot! Angel is shown in the photo with Jam Donaldson (of 'Hot Ghetto Mess' infamy)! This is a Black celebrity entertainment blog with gossip, music, celebrity interviews, pictures and such. Have you seen your favorite celebrity on Angel's blog?
- Pam Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 1,086 / Rank: 2,357) - [Politics] This blog falls out of the top spot for the first time since we started the BBR in Sep 2007. Pam shares her thoughts on politics and invites others to join in the debate. Many of us will be on her political blog as we watch the presidential race heat up this year. Someone let Pam know we are looking for her to share some blogging tips with us! Pam, are you out there?
- The Bossip: Bossip.com (Authority: 1,051 / Rank: 2,475) - [Entertainment] We just learned about Bossip.com this month. They moved directly into the #3 slot on this month's BBR! Bossip.com is a fast growing urban-focused new media property that draws a loyal following of young and influential trend setters who are up to date with what’s hot in society. Does anyone know if The Bossip is a brother or sister?
- Fresh Crunkjuice: Crunk & Disorderly* (Authority: 780 / Rank: 3,993) - [Entertainment] This blog was created in August 2004, however, it didn't get serious until May 2005. This is an active entertainment blog. The motto is simple and direct, "In Fresh We Trust". Yo' Fresh ... consider giving us some link-love as one of your Fresh Picks!
- Natasha E: Young, Black & Fabulous (Authority: 762 / Rank: 4,146) - [Entertainment] Natasha moved her hot gossip blog to her own domain. Her newer blog has moved up to BBR#20, making her the first blogger with multiple blogs in the Top 25!
- Nah Right: Nah Right (Authority: 698 / Rank: 4,797) - [Entertainment] This is another Black blogger that we only learned about this month. Some say that Nah Right is the most important East Coast hip-hop blog there is. His blog began in May 2005 and continues to thrive. I'm open to learning more about the brother. Do you have any 411 to share?
- Oliver Willis: Oliver Willis (Authority: 622 / Rank: 5,740) - [Politics] Oliver is a
fan of the Washington Redskins. This is a good time for the brother as his team made the playoffs and the 2008 presidential race is heating up bigtime in places like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. He began his blog in April 2005.
- L
a Shawn Barber: La Shawn Barber's Corner (Authority: 610 / Rank: 5,907) - [Politics] Freelance writer La Shawn Barber offers political commentary from a Christian perspective. NPR News & Notes listed the 8/15/2007 Blogger's Roundtable with Sis. Barber as one of their best shows in 2007. I 'met' Sis. Barber during NPR panel discussion in Nov 2007. She is an insightful sister with a powerful political blog.
- Sokari Ekine: Black Looks (525/ 7,820) - [Social Commentary] Sokari brings a focus on all things African. This is the highest-ranked blog on the BBR from outside of the United States. Sokari is currently in London. Her posts cover a range of issues such as gender violence, racism, sexuality, HIV/AIDS and cancer. Sokari and her guest bloggers are all progressives, Africanists and activists with a strong belief in the power of the pen to bring about change. This blog began in June 2004.
- Gina McCauley: What About Our Daughters* (Authority: 443 / Rank: 9,880) - [Social Commentary] This blog was created by a sister who believes that now is the time for organized action to combat the destructive portrayals of Black women in popular culture. 2007 was a remarkable year for this blogger. Sis. McCauley was named one of the 25 most influential African Americans by Essence Magazine. Her blog was listed as BBR #19 in Sep 2007 and breaks into the Top Ten Black Blogs for the first time this month!
HONORABLE MENTION (11-25): How To Split An Atom, Sandra Rose, Afro Bella*, Paula Mooney’s Tips, Darla Mack News & Reviews, Rod 2.0:Beta, The Field Negro*, Entre mes Lignes, Young, Black & Fabulous*, Keith Boynkin*, Stereohyped*, A Hot Mess!, Republic of T, Angry Black Bitch and Jack & Jill Politics.
The only qualification is that the blogger needs to be of African descent. The blogger does not have to be a member of The AfroSpear or the Afrosphere Bloggers Association, although we invite all Black bloggers to join either (or both) of those organizations.
These Black blogs are important spheres of influence. Reach out and let them know that you appreciate the work they have put in over the past few months and years to get on this list.
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are 2007 Black Weblog Award winners. Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.
Post a comment below if you are a Black Blogger interested in learning what your ranking is this month!
My vision is that many of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR will share their village voice with us right here on the Electronic Village blog (BBR #34) or over on the BDPA Foundation blog (BBR #334). Happy New Year!
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are 2007 Black Weblog Award winners. Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.
Post a comment below if you are a Black Blogger interested in learning what your ranking is this month!
My vision is that many of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR will share their village voice with us right here on the Electronic Village blog (BBR #34) or over on the BDPA Foundation blog (BBR #334). Happy New Year!
E.V the ranking u gave me, was that the most current?
Bria - You Better Recognize is BBR #316 (out of 602) at the moment...
This is excellent work, Wayne. You're a real professional. This is making us all much more aware of who's out there and what they're doing, and it's catalyzing the process up the creating and strengthening the afrosphere community.
Hey Wayne, you know I had to stop by and see what's up. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Wayne!
Happy Jew Year!
Suicide Blogger - Your blog has been added to the BBR this morning. At this point you are BBR #603 (out of 603). Nowhere to go but up at this point.
Do you seriously plan to discuss suicide on a regular basis on your blog?
BHC - Happy New Year! Abstractions of a Bohemian Hippie Chick is currently BBR #399 (out of 603).
Woozie - Happy New Year! The Tome of Communism is currently BBR #205. I look forward to reading your flow much more in 2008...
Happy New Year Wayne. I'd like to be put on your interview list for the new year. Here's to the start of a great twenty-o-eight.
Marty - I will get you the interview questions in the next few days. Your MartyBLOGs hosted by www.blogger.com is BBR #416 (out of 607). Your new & improved MartyBLOGs is BBR #309.
I am so sorry to see that you have included Bossip on the list. Bossip is the BET of the Black blogishere.
Bossip was founded and run by a (White) guy named David Hauslaib. He also runs a gossip blog called Jossip, which is sort of like what MTV is to BET.
Just google Jossip and you will see for yourself.
Otherwise I love the list. Thank you so much for keeping track of all of our wonderful blogs.
Please have a wonderful and prosperous 2008!
I really appreciate the hard work you have been doing. My husband and I have been following the consistent
quality which is produced in this blog.
Hope this year triples the last in traffic and great content.
Some of our blogs include: http://www.hornerartworkshop.com
We also welcome your articles for baby boomers to www.articlesforboomers.com article directoryKeep up the great work, do not tire of doing good.
As usual, good work.
Mes Deux Cents - Oddly enough, one of the blogs that I've been tracking is Stereohyped. In fact, that is a blog that won 2007 Black Weblog Award. The Boston Globe claims that they are a white-owned blog ... purchased by the David Hauslaib person you referred to in your message. I haven't yet confirmed whether or not blossip.com is also owned by him. I'm still looking into it. Stereohyped is being removed from my list today though!
Hey Villager,
Where did Dallas South rank this month?
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for recognizing and including Living Life Abundantly in the BBR :) You have made it so much easier for me to connect with Black Bloggers. I just downloaded the pdf, some of the blogs I am familiar with but this introduces me to so many more that I may not have known about if it wasn't for this report!
Thanks again :)
Happy & Prosperous New Year To All...I am interested in having my blog featured...
"Black Women Deserve Better"
Dare To Step Outside The Box?
Art Coach - Thanks for the encouraging comments. I didn't realize you had so many blogs.
* Horner Art Workshop is BBR #336 (out of 607)
* Blogging For Bloomers is BBR #219
* Rosie's Boomer Review is BBR #519
* CameraBoomer is BBR #447
I'll try to keep doing what I do. It is easy when folks like yourself take the time to share your village voice.
Jose - Thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad to know that others in The AfroSpear are visiting various blogs. I've got to do that more often in 2008. Anyhow, you should know that The Jose Vilson is BBR #100 this month!
Shawn - I thought that I posted this before ... but, I guess not. Anyhow, Dallas South Blog is BBR #88 ... wasn't that a famous Dallas Cowboys wide receiver number (smile).
Your other blog, Dallas South Sports is BBR #526.
Marenda - Please let me know if you see any Black blogs that are missing from the overall list. You are moving up the BBR each month. Currently Living Life Abundantly is BBR #96 (out of 609).
Your idea to post on your top 50 blogs for 2007 was brilliant! I think I want to give out some Village Awards in 2008. I need to think on it some more...
CW - Thanks for sharing your village voice with us today. I hope you find reason to come back often! Anyhow, your blog is BBR #426 this month.
Please help us at http://chiefseattle.blogspot.com. Anybody can help. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Great to see you working hard promoting Black blogs.
Clement Nyirenda's blog world
Clement - Your blog is currently BBR #610 as I couldn't find a Technorati ranking for it. I'll keep looking...
Villagers - I post this monthly BBR on both of my blogs. Today, I was graced with a visit from Pam Spaulding on the other blog. She left some comments on marketing your blog. Pam's House Blend is BBR #2 on the list this month. Her feedback is worthy.
Mostly, I just felt a certain elation at knowing that the BBR #2 blogger visited one of my villages.
I wonder if Angel Laws makes house calls as well?
Stereohyped is put out there by the Jossip group you mentioned, along with that dude. I actually considered writing for Bossip, but felt that they weren't putting out any nutrients (tho I read it), so I didn't go for it. It is interesting that MDC said that.
Thanks for letting me know my rank...it's a bit surprising considering I'm doing like 2 things off your list of 42...too lazy, too low-tech :-)
Happy New Year to you.
Invisible Woman - No time like the present. Which of the 42 do you want to implement this month?
Haha Villager, I wish I had your wherewithall (sp), but the answer is probably none of them. I tried to set up Feedburner today and had no idea what I was doing, so I gave up.
And no, I don't wanna try again lol :-)
First off thanks for doing this it's amazing.
Second what happens if you are on the list twice, do you get bumped up or combined. I'm at #105 with (75) spot and the #148 (52).
Mrs. Grapevine - Thanks for pointing out the duplication. Actually, your blog is now BBR #98.
Invisible Woman - Never say never!
It turns out that SoulSides is not owned by a person of African descenter. As such, the blog will be removed from the Black Blog Rankings
This is an excellent resource and it just keeps getting better!
Shark-Fu - I'm hopeful that some of the talented Black bloggers receive more attention as a result of the BBR.
You didn't ask ... but, your blog is currently BBR #27 (out of 622)
Great list!1 hopefully next year or the year after I'll be listed.. I'm new to this blogging thing so in time I'm sure I will make the cut!! lol
Sincere - Just keep doing what you do! Your blog is currently BBR #317 (out of 623)
Thanks!! How often is this updated?
Sincere - My goal is to post an updated BBR on the first day of each month. Time will tell if I can maintain that schedule.
how can I get involved???
I'm a newbie... only been blogging for 1/2 a year now but when I do get my numbers up wanted to know how I can get tracked as well. Thanks in advance.
@hearts; Eb
Check out my blogs:
MUSIC www.jonesin-eb-style.blogspot.com
Everything that is me! www.renaissanceblackwoman.blogspot.com
SPORTS www.sportz-n-albumcutz.blogspot.com
Eb the Celeb - We have gone back and added your three blogs to the Black Blog Rankings. Renaissance Black Woman is BBR #237; Jonesin' is BBR #353; and Sportz-n-Album Cutz is BBR #631.
peace, Villager
guess i need to join the black blog groups so i am known.
not much into rankings and ratings, but i'll join in.
thanks for the info concerning the rankings and how to move your blog into the sight of others!
i'll be adding you page to my blog page links...
lolo-forgot to give the title -
"New Beginnings-It Takes Courage To Change"
add me when u can http://rawdawgb.blogspot.com
WisdomTeachesMe - New Beginnings - It Takes Courage to Change is BBR #571 (out of 633).
There is nothing wrong with using metrics to help us improve and grow our blogs. As your blog title says, it takes courage to change our blogging habits so that we can continuously improve.
Anyhow, thank you for taking time to share your village voice with us!
All-Mi-T - Raw Dawg Buffalo is BBR #115 at the moment ... very close to breaking into the Top 100 of all Black blogs!!
thanks villager, love your sight! and i will be sharing it with my people!
love your work, and will encourage you often-and will endose your place often!
hit me up anytime!
in His name,
Faith & Truth
Given the number of blogs you currently track (500+) you may want to consider organizing them into categories (e.g. politics, gossip, social commentary, etc.). Otherwise, you are really comparing apples to oranges. Is it really fair to compare a blogs like Concrete Loop to "What About My Daughters"? Besides you notices that 4 of the top 5 positions are celebrity blogs. They're naturally going to dominate an undifferentiated list like this everytime given the popularity of such blogs (e.g. readership ), but its not going to give others any incentive if they see the same blogs on top month after month. They're in an entirely different league.
Just a thought....I do applaud you putting together such a list nonetheless. keep it up.
RedHotBlue - Your point is well-taken, although, we have had different blogs in the Top 25 in each of the five months that we've published ... and What About Our Daughters successfully moved into BBR #10 slot this week.
I realized that I made a fundamental flaw when I began the list. I currently am simply tracking the blogs on a Word document. I should have used a spreadsheet or database. I'm not looking forward to making that switch. However, I would need to make that switch in order to add the feature of blog category/type as you suggest.
For now ... I would be curious to have the exact categories you (or others) would recommend that we track. You list three (politics, gossip, social commentary). Are there other categories as well?
RedHotBlue - You didn't ask, but two of your blogs are rising on the BBR. Afro Sugar is BBR #206 (out of 635) and Discover Black Heritage is BBR #348
Fabulous list, darling. Oh how I love black people! For your consideration...
I came over here via Mes Deux Cents and I'd love to be added to your rankings. I'm curious about where I'd fall.
Thanks for doing this.
Elle - Your blog is entertaining with some great photos and commentary. Thank you for visiting our village.
Liz - I'm sorry that we didn't hook up earlier. I was in Los Angeles on vacation from Dec 27 thru Jan 3. My vacation ended directly after watching Obama give his victory speech in Iowa. Don't tell anyone ... but, I had a teary eye as well!
Anyhow, Your blog is now on the Black Blog Ranking. It is BBR #140.
i'd love to know my ranking
Awesome Resources! Great Blog!
I would like to join the rankings. My blog is
HomelandColors - I couldn't find your Technorati rating. At this point your blog is BBR #639.
I'm certain that you are much higher. I'll keep looking...
Professor Tracey - Aunt Jemima's Revenge is BBR #409 at the moment...
Nice that you got to enjoy some vacation time here in LA. Hope it was good for you.
Glad to be added to the black blog list. Number 140, whoo hoo! Maybe I can crack the top 100 sometime this year. ;)
Although I am scarred to ask really, but I would like to know what ranking Repping Beantown have?Please and Thank you!
I came across this list via Mrs. Grapevine's fab blog and I wanted to know where I stand amongst my fellow Black Bloggers. Will appreciate it.
Well I haven't checked for a while but I probably moved down the list lol - what's my ranking this month?
P.S. Watch out Wayne [I don't know whether to call you Wayne or EV lol] - I'm aiming for top 10 Jan 2009! Maybe earlier who knows...
Liz - I think it is a good thing that so many blogs run by people of African descent are being recognized ... and I'm hopeful that more of us are doing self-analysis on how we can improve our blog and the blogging experience for our readers. Anyhow, I appreciate your visit to our village. I hope that you share your comments regularly.
Deidra - Your blog continues to be a juggernaut. It is currently BBR #54.
Chi-Chi - I'm amazed at your ability to keep four separate blogs updated and current on a regular basis! Can you share the difference in the mission of each of your four hip-hop blogs?
Urban-Hoopla is BBR #105
Obsessed-Hoopla is BBR #257
Feels Good 2 B Home is BBR #284
Throwback Terrace is BBR #523
Angella - I had to make Repping Beantown one of my Technorati Favorites today! You have done quite well ... and you should never be afraid to use metrics to help you continuosly improve your blog. Anyhow, RBTF is BBR #167 at the moment.
Hey Wayne and Redhotblue,
I actually was going to say the same thing Redhotblue said about comparing entertainment blogs to social blogs or other blogs. I was a bit disappointed at first to see the same blogs make the list each month - but seeing WAOD in the #10 spot reassured me that people still do care about other issues.
So I think it's good to be judged against a variety of blogs. When you discovered that you can reach more people than a real famous celebrity blog - then that's a huge accomplishment [especially knowing the influence of hip hop in America]. It's great to be the best of your own category but even better to be the best of them all.
Now that I know that my blog rank #54 - I'm going to aim for ranking in the 20s or 30s for my one year anniversary [in July]. We have the power to change things we just have to stop paying attention to what others have done and just do it! :)
Deidra (or others) - I would be curious to have the exact categories you (or others) would recommend that we track. There are three mentioned earlier by RedHotBlue (politics, gossip, social commentary). Are there other categories as well?
Thank you for keeping us in the know. Villager, please add my blog to the list.
Tayo of Alltayo.com, couldn't find her name on the list. Do you have a ranking for her...
Cassandra - Celebrity Blitz is BBR #211 (out of 651). Thank you for taking time to visit with us. I hope you come back often...
Mrs. G - All Tayo is BBR #352...
Thank you so much! I am working on it for the moment :( but should be up later next week. Thanks again :)
Hello, I am a new blogger and I'm sure I'm not ranked, but I would love some ideas! http://kreativetalk.blogspot.com
LaKeisha - Thank you for sharing your village voice. Your blog is currently BBR #507 (out of 665).
Stay strong!
Hola Villager,
Please let me know where I stand in the BBR ( I suspect its somewhere at World's End LOL) but everybody has to start somewhere. Happy New Year, you're doing great work.
- Aaron
Aaron - Your blog is BBR #509 (out of 665).
Great job on your Black Blog Rankings this is so important for the Black blogosphere.
I look forward to hearing you on News & Notes. Thanks to Gina at What About Our Daughters, she was the conduit that allowed me to be on News & Notes yesterday.
Keep up the great work with your commitment to this.
Just learned of the ranking, but would love to be included...
My blog is Pop-Junkie.com and an growing quickly among the entertainment blogs...
Please include me in future rankings.
These lists always inspire me to check out new blogs, and to see what I can learn from the bloggers ahead of me on the list. I need to step it up so I can crack the top 50 or something...LOL
Content Black Woman - I look forward to hearing you on the NPR panel. My initial opportunity on that radio show was also due to Gina. She is good peeps! Will you be at the Blogging While Brown conference later this year?
Your blog is BBR #59 (out of 669)
Melody - My first time learning about your blog ... I enjoyed the vibe. Your blog is BBR #84 (out of 675).
Leon - I'm glad that the Black Blog Rankings is inspiring you and others. Hopefully, it is introducing more Black bloggers to one another. Also, I hope it is causing more of us to find ways to continuously improve our product.
Anyhow, I hope you crack the Top 50 as well. Your blog is currently BBR #87 (out of 675).
Thanks for your work! Please consider adding us: Reformed Blacks of America's blog
Xavier - Thank you for your kind words. I hope you find reason to visit our village often in the future.
Your blog is currently ranked BBR #299 (out of 677).
I'd love to know what my ranking is.
Dominique - Your blog is BBR #116 (out of 667)
How can we be down?
This list is great work! Please check out CaramelBella.com. I'd like to know how my site ranks.
The Caramel Bella
Love Collective - I couldn't find the ranking for 'Where Bourgeois Meets Ghetto' this afternoon. I'll keep looking. I did add your blog to the BBR ... currently at BBR #680.
Anon - Caramel Bella is BBR #365 (out of 681)
Love Collective - I dunno. My first place to seek out your blog is on Technorati. Have you visited that site? Have you seen your blog on it?
Great Blog. I wish I would have known about this site earlier in my "blogging career". I'm coming upon my 3 year anniversary of my blog this October. So hopeful I can get a High Ranking in the next couple of months.
Also Nahright.com is Run By a brother named Eskay. I believe He is also the editor and chief of xxlmag.com
If you need any more info feel free to shoot me an email. I know most of the Hiphop Bloggers, and i would be happy to share what i know
-L- - Feel free to let other Black bloggers from the hip-hop world know about our Black Blog Rankings. They simply need to leave a comment on this post to request their current ranking and I'll provide it to them.
Your blog is currently BBR #432 (out of 678).
As an aside, your membership application to The AfroSpear is currently under consideration. We should have answer for you within a week or so.
Okay, I've been wondering where that list came from, and now I know. My other question is how the heck did I get on it?
Faboo Mama - We have 699 Black blogs currently being tracked. I'm not certain how your blog was originally brought to our attention. However, Faboo Mama is currently BBR #277 (out of 699)
Love love LOVE the listings; it introduced me to a bunch of great blogs!! :)
Funky Brown Chick - I appreciate your encouragement. It has been a joy to create the Black Blog Rankings in effort to showcase some talented bloggers that were not being recognized by others.
For what it's worth, your blog is BBR #106 (out of 797). Shouldn't be long before you break into the TOP 100...
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