- Abraham Lincoln was a remarkable president - However, his desire to hold our nation together, even at the cost of a civil war, led to such a level of hatred that he was assassinated.
- John F. Kennedy was a remarkable president - However, his powerful vision for the future of our nation led to such a level of hatred that he was assassinated.
- Martin Luther King, Jr was a remarkable national leader - However, his efforts to create a nation where economic empowerment included all citizens of our country let to such a level of hatred that he was assassinated.
- Robert Kennedy was a remarkable national leader - However, his willingness to take on the special interests and his presidential campaign based on premise that our nation must come together across racial and class lines led to such a level of hatred that he was assassinated.
I wonder if Hillary Clinton, John McCain or others recognize the level of hatred that exists in our nation when it comes to issues of race?
I join with other blogs like PlezWorld and Black Political Thought in condeming the Roswell Beacon for putting a picture of evil in the minds of their readers. As Napoleon Hill once said, 'What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve'.
I join with other blogs like What About Our Daughters in condemning Daily Kos and others that allow such vulgarity.
It hurts me to see the wild-eyed fear that some like Geraldine Ferraro and Pat Buchanan have about the possibility of a Black president. My prayers today are for the effective vigilance of the Secret Service. It just seems that there are too many people trying to create an environment of fear on the one hand ... and an acceptance of unacceptable public images on the other hand ... that could lead to a dark day in our nation's history if we are not careful.
Villagers, am I being too sensitive? What say u?
hate seems to be a global phenomenon ,see whats happening in South Africa now!
This is deeply hatefull and alarming at best. The world has literally gone mad with the United States leading. There is xenophobic outbreaks of violence in South Africa as we speak. Hillary Clinton is now comparing the electoral process in the USA to Zimbabwe and she has not once talked about the racists behavior that rearing its ugly head once again. I cannot believe that America, which prides itself on being a meltingpot is still stuck to a large degree in the days of seething racial unrest. Thanks for the plug for Black Political Thought.
Typos are my pet peeves and I see two--hateful and tense for xenophobic behavior. Sorry, I was typing too fast.
Oh my God......is about all I can say right now.
I am sickened by those images. I'm shocked, yet unfortunately, am not surprised.
I pray for the safety of my brother and sister.
And no, you are NOT being too sensitive. Just real.
Oh my goodness, I hadn't even seen these photos.
That's why it's so crucial for us to pray for Barack and Michelle's safety, along with their family's protection -- and for them to continue to have excellent and ramped-up Secret Service protection!
We must always be conscious, because the danger is real...this is not some imaginary thing...
We must continue to cover the Obamas in prayer, and believe that God will deliver them...
Collins & Janet - I hadn't heard of the situation in South Africa. I'll see if I can find out about it today...
Carla, Paula & Ms. Marvalus - Prayer is always a good place to start whenever we have challenges to deal with. Thank you for sharing your village voice on this particularly disturbing story. I invite you to share the 411 with your blog readers if you haven't done so already...
These images are horrendous.
Daily Kos, Bill O'Reilly, and the Roswell Beacon are seriously damaging to our Nation. Developing and spreading the parasitic disease of racism is a domestic threat in my eyes.
You are not being too sensitive. You are aware.
In light and love
Too sensitive? Not one bit.
No different from the right playing the lynching game..
Not only are you not being overly sensitive but I think the potential is worse than you might imagine. It's like these clowns really want a national scale race war. God forbid something terrible like this does happen. I wouldn't be surprised if Civil War II came about.
Many of the most prominent African American writers have written about the possibility over the last 100 years. Even conscious minded whites have been honest enough to say "hey, this is still a powder keg problem we have to deal with directly and honestly".
Just look at the different white preachers around the country who will show up on the news every now and then and try to get the populace to stop giving the Jeremiah Wright's of the world a hard time and instead acknowledge the truth of what those types of activist preachers are trying to tell us before it's too late.
I was just joking about the unspoken fears held by of Obama supporters...but to actually SEE imagery like this, turns my stomach. I really, truly hope that nothing crazy happens to the Obamas.
It's quite unfortunate, but since the moment Obama decided to run for president groups have been plotting against him. It's sad that those are still unable to grasp the idea of change that we so desperately need, regardless of what race that person who may bring about that change may be.
I posted this over at my site. I understand what the Daily Kos was trying to do, but they went too far left, and they became the offender instead of the Republicans.
The reason I stopped reading most liberal white bloggers before the age of twenty.
They feel their supposed ideology allows them liberties which under another guise would be racist, sexist or just downright profane.
Although disgusting and disturbing, I am choosing to believe that displays like these do not represent the majority of thought in this country. I find it appalling that these images are tolerated.
However, as a strong believer and practioner of the law of attraction, I am choosing to focus on feeling good about everything in my life, and that includes what I know in my heart and soul will be our next President of this United States: Barack Obama. It is also my strongest intention that the American public will gather together (as Barack himself models) in a mood of HOPE and INSPIRATION as we look forward to real CHANGE in this country. (Prayers are good, too!)
So, I leave you with the same quote from Napoleon Hill, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve."
who even conceived and produced the artwork of Michelle Obama's lynching?!? this has got to be the most repugnant thing i've witnessed in my life!
this type of hatred runs so deep and is so ingrained in too many american's hearts and minds. this is a cancer that will continue to fester and drive us farther apart... even as Obama works feverishly to bring various factions together.
to be honest, Barack Obama is almost TOO GOOD for this country. i fear his vast talent will be wasted on closedminded folk and bigots. this type of imagery and bigotry must be exposed and repudiated by the mainstream media (just as they propped up the Rev. Wright BS for over a month)!
I felt bad about posting the pictures,but how will anyone know that it happened if there is no proof?
Danielle - Hopefully we can make otherss aware so that thoughts like these don't make it public in the future...
Jackie & Tar-Bar - Asante sana for your observations...
Martin - We need to find ways to bring our country together ... not parse it into such a cynical manner that we think that a 'race war' may be in our future. Obama is uniquely qualified as a mixed-race child to see the perspective from all sides. Our nation needs that brother and his family in the White House...
Leon, LadyShay, Mrs.Grapevine, Kid and Cooper - We need to stay vigilant for images like this and ensure that they don't stand unchallenged. More importantly, we need to pray for our country and our POTUS candidates...
Strider - I appreciate and support the Laws of Attraction and I agree we should seek out the positive in ourselves and others. Well said!
Plez - It is sad to know that someone's thoughts could lead them to create such an image of Michelle Obama. We need to stay on top of things for the next 170 days leading up to the election...
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