Anyhow, I've decided that my next book is going to be Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny, by Hill Harper. Many of you may recognize Hill Harper from his many roles on television ... currently he is part of the ensemble cast of CSI:NY.
An excerpt from the introduction of his book says,
“Young men today have been bombarded with images of wealth and success that tell them that buying the hottest car or the most bling-blingin’ jewelry is what they should be motivated by. There is an overwhelming sales pitch targeted at these young men that subliminally suggests that material goods are what makes them real men. I want young men to have knowledge of the things that ring them true empowerment: education, a strong sense of purpose, compassion, confidence, and humility, to name a few.Have you read his book? If not, is it one that you would consider reading in the near future?
It is no accident that I graduated from Brown University magna cum laude and received graduate degrees with honors from Harvard Law School and the Kennedy School of Government. My family taught me that doing my best, educating myself, and being in service to others were not optional and that having values and being truthful were not negotiable.
I am living proof that these principles work. Through the letters in this book, I wish to pass on to other young men my grandfathers’ legacies of education, hard work, determination, and success.”
I think you got a hot thing going on a sorta Oprah blogger book thingy. I like the theme. I found the intro intriguing. I would read it. But first I am working on a book on polling.
Hey Villager.
I think the idea of an online book club could be a lot of fun. I'm always looking for something else to read. A warning; my reading tastes are reeeeeealll wide. Anything from Clive Barker horror fiction to Octavia Butler to biographies on Lyndon Johnson to you name it.
As for Hill Harper's book, it looks OK, although I'll admit it doesn't make me sit up and pay attention. Why? No disrespect to brother Harper, but this same theme has been done by any number of other writers. It's just that Hill Harper is a bit of a celebrity. Unless he's bringing something really new to the table on this, I can't honestly say it would be on the top of my list.
Hope my being honest doesn't get me in hot water. Wouldn't be the first time...
I haven't read Hill Harper's book yet...but he is so intelligent.
I, too, haven't been in a book club yet -- I haven't read a book in a while. Probably weeks...
Anyway, today I want to read Bebe Moore Campbell's books because I'm really praying for her daughter:
PAULA NEAL MOONEY: Please Help Actress Maia Campbell Get Off Crack Cocaine: Blog to Save Her Life...
I have been toying with the same idea villager, although I am not sure how we would review such books online.
Keep up the good work.
Hi everybody . . .
I'm interested in the book club. I'm a big Sci-Fi fan but I do dabble in other genres. Levar Burton wrote a cool Sci-Fi. Malidoma Some's book, "Of Water and Spirit" is a great read. Anybody interested it that book?
Grown azzed woman!
Good to meet you, first off. Second, it's great to meet another sci-fi fan. I'm huge on sci-fi myself. Hadn't heard about "Water and Spirit" but I'm about to check into that soon as I get offa here. I work right around the corner from the library...
Take care, and thanks!
I think thats a great idea, I do plan on reading Hill Harper's book and as Keith said its not a new subject so it wasn't on the top of my list but if I was in a book club, absolutely I would read it.
Credo - First time in my life being compared to Oprah [smile]. What is the book on polling that you are currently reading?
Keith - You won't get me to read a horror fiction book or attend a horror movie. However, I'm down with your sci-fi leanings. I love Octavia Butler, Kindred was the first one that I read ... although she had another series that I enjoyed even more. The name of the series escapes me at the moment. What was your fav Octavia Butler (may she rest in peace) book?
peace, Villager
Paula - I will check out your post on Bebe Moore when I get to my home office later this evening. Thanx for sharing the link!
David - I don't have any rules for this thing. We are many voices in the village ... so it is perfectly fine to read many different books. Use these comment pages to let us know what book you suggest for now or in the future.
Grown Azzed Woman [I just like saying it out loud!] - You have found two kindred spirits for Sci-Fi books. I haven't read either of the ones you suggest. I've added them both to my 'to-do' list and I'll see if either are in the library next time I head that direction. Since I have a 7-year old and 10-year old ... the library is a frequent stop for us!
Latimer - What book is on the top of your list at the moment?
Hands-down my favorite Octavia Butler book was "Wildseed". Just read it for the second time a few months ago. Blew my mind. I suspect the series you're referring to is "Parable of the Talents" and "Parable of the Sower". Am I right...?
Well I just finished reading The Covenant and I started reading again to see if I missed anything. Its an excellent read.
Malidoma Some's book is not science fiction, it's an autobiography of an African Shaman, and his initiation back into his tribe (the Dagar Tribe of Burkina Faso) after being kidnapped. It's a book from the Spirituality Genre. I think the Village would enjoy the read.
Keith - Yes, Parable of the Talents was the one that I tried to remember. Wildseed was tremendous as well. I wish she had published alot more in her lifetime. Thanx for reminding me of Octavia Butler's talents!
Latimer - The Covenant is a non-fiction book that has important issues for all African Americans to consider. I haven't read it yet, however, I do respect Tavis Smiley and his efforts in this space.
grown azzed woman - Thanx for the clarification. It does sound like a book that would flow well with our Village imagery!
The online book club is a great idea. I'm not sure I can participate actively as I have just set up 6 blogs that still need a lot of work. Reading - and sleeping - is a luxury to me these days. However, I do love speculative fiction and spirituality books so I think I'll be lurking to pick up titles I'll line up for exploration. I'll just jump in when I have more free time. Thanks for the invitation! By the way, the imagery for this blog is wonderful!
There's a neat website called Good Reads which lets you see what your friends are reading and get recommendations and stuff like that. It's pretty interesting in terms of book clubbing.
Maia Jose & Kit - Thank you for your thoughts on this idea. Truthfully, I'm unsure how to move forward with this idea. I do like the Good Reads website. Currently, I'm reading Obama's book that he wrote shortly after he got out of college. I hadn't known much about the man prior to reading this book. Anyhow, thanx again for visiting the Electronic Village. Come back soon!
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