- Turn it off! Every computer, cellular phone or electronic device has an on and off switch. Use it! When you take time off -- shut off your personnel communication devices.
- Take time off! This might seem silly, but, one of the most damaging mistakes overachievers make is failing to take time off. For some reason, we try to be responsive to the needs of others, and "stay ahead of the game". Take some time for yourself.
- Turn down the noise! It seems that everywhere I go these days there is music, electronic noise and voices in the background. Some days it is just extremely noisy! If you have important work to do -- find a quiet place and space to do it.
- Remember three words that begin with the letter N -- No, Not now,
Never. These three words are extremely powerful words to gain control of your time and create some breathing space. - Rest! Take time to sleep, take a break or play. Don't focus so much on your goals and results that you don't take time to rest and sleep.
- Stop Doing, Just BE! Sometimes doing nothing is a'ight! It is so easy with our hectic lifestyles to be too busy to enjoy the simple things; conversations with our children, walks or a good book. Being a human being has its advantages -- take time to do nothing. When is the last time you listened to the birds singing outside in the backyard?
- Reflect! Take time to evaluate and determine if the direction you're heading is where you want to go. Do you feel trapped? Conflicted? Torn between priorities or values?
- Get in Alignment! Are you out of alignment with your own priorities, goals and values? It's one thing to set a goal to climb a mountain -- it is quite another to have climbed a mountain and suddenly discover you are on the wrong peak. Create a list of values -- those things that you cherish most about your life -- and then evaluate if the time you are spending on daily tasks are in alignment with your values.
- Make more life room! How much time, effort and energy is something worth? The answer is -- it depends. It depends on your values, priorities and goals. The key is to make sure that you do not allow anything to take up any more room in your life than you deem worthy. You may have to rearrange and say no -- to be able to make room for the things that are the most important to you -- but, if you don't, no one else can do it for you!
- Be Good to Yourself! Brothers and sisters, you deserve it! You deserve to enjoy the best that life has to offer! Embrace it -- cultivate a sense of expectation. A sense of wonder and surprise. Be willing to be pleasantly surprised. Life may be waiting to hand you a wonderful gift -- make sure you have the foresight and vision to be able to see it. There is no one else on this planet like you -- you are unique. No one else on the planet knows what you know or has had the experiences you have had. Be good to yourself!
Do you have other suggestions for this list?
i am guilty of at least 6 of these! geesh!
I am guilty.
But honestly sitting on the beach on vacation by myself listening to the pounding surf with a singapore sling in hand....
It reminds me that life is good.
great post. As I have opened the curtain and notice how green my grass is. Which means soon, I will need to cut shrubbery, mow the lawn, plant seeds in my flower pots and fruits in my my garden.
Less time in the blogosphere.
More walks.
Oh, the picture..was that brother the inventor of the bluetooth? LOL
notfearingchange - SIGH!
dcsavvystar & credo - Thanx for the visit! The photo does give a certain twist to the post (smile).
peace, Villager
I'm guilty of all of them. I haven't gonna to the point where I'm fatigue "YET". But I know I need to make a change.
I agree. Sometimes I need to remind myself of these also. They don't make getting rid of the gadgets easy. I'm sure I have access to the internet 24x7.
Dame & Theo - Thanks for sharing your insights here in the Village. I agree with both of you. Technology is around us and I'm uncertain that it makes sense to eliminate it. I do want to learn to cope with it better though!
peace, Villager
Only suggestion I have is that I need to take those suggestions...
Keith - Amen!
Editor's Note: that is not the Villager in the photo! Although I do admire the brother's creativity. It reminds me of the audiocassette adaptor that I bought so that I could play both 8-track tapes and audiocassettes in my 1972 Chevy Nova back in the day.
peace, Villager
Everything in the Electronic Technology is coded in Ons and Offs. The Motorola Chip Circuits and the Intel Chip Circuits are all based around the 8086 processor of Intel and the 68086 of the Motorola Chip Circuit Technology, they each share their beginnings and much of the code has stayed the same for over two decades. The only difference is that much more has been added, not only in the upper level of what they can do, but also more registers in the Chips which makes them run even faster, after all that is the key and the key is what gives us all the fatigue factor.
Phil - those dastardly ONs and OFFs (smile). Thanx for the historical reminder on our technological roots. Maybe tonight I'll go to bed earlier as a step towards technology coping steps!
peace, Villager
The graphic is priceless! LOL
Guilty as charged. I'm going to print off these tips and post them near my monitor. I'll just have to remember to look at them. ;-)
Great post!
Deb S - I originally posted this list in Apr 2007. It seems to still apply in Apr 2009...
Wayne - nice post.
Kyra - I first posted this one five years ago in April 2007. I looked at it again recently and realized that it is still potent post in 2012...
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