Today is the bicentennial anniversay of Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Our current president looks back to Lincoln for many 'best practices'.
I wonder what Abe is thinking about Barack Obama from his cloud up in heaven? What advice would he give to Barack Obama today?
Abe's not here ...
do you have any advice to share with Barack Obama?
I think that Lincoln would advise Obama to stay on the course that he sees and have a wide enough view of all that goes on around him.
Lady D - That would be good advice. I figure that Lincoln would tell Obama to stay true to his inner vision for our nation...
I'm not so sure Abe would be as supportive as people think. More than anything, I suspect Abe would still be shocked that a Nigra was president.
History tends to paint a favorable picture of our intrepid 16th president, conveniently forgetting where he really stood with black folks.
Unmitigated Word - Abe Lincoln is usually rated as either the #1 or #2 ranked president in our nation's history. I don't think it's an accident that the presidents right before him are usually rated in the bottom 10 all-time.
I agree that Abe didn't have a great love for people of African descent. However, at the end of the day ... he did the right thing. I think that it is perfectly reasonable to give him credit for that...
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