Megan Williams is charged with obtaining under false pretenses and writing a worthless check in Raleigh County, according to the Raleigh County warrant. The false check charge is for a $32.21 check to Dominos Pizza. The false pretenses charge is for $96.40 to the Kiddie Junction Consignment Shop in Beaver.
In Greenbrier County, Williams is wanted for eight worthless checks, according to the warrant for her arrest filed in Greenbrier County. One of the checks was for $173.79 to BSR Auto Supply.
She was wanted for two counts of worthless checks in Summers County, according to the warrant for her arrest filed in Summers County. One of the checks was for $220 to Jack W. Turner, the other was for $10.46 to Country Roads Store.
A bench warrant out for Williams in Summers County is for failing to appear at the arraignment for the worthless check charges, according to the court document filed in Summers County.
The original charges against Williams all stem from incidents in May 2006.
After the magistrate completed the arraignments for the three different counties, Megan Williams was taken to the Kanawha County Courthouse to be processed. She was released on $8,000 bond.

Her car was broken so she bought a part. She bought USED clothes and other things at the consignment shop. She probably paid "Jack W. Turner" to fix her car. She bought herself a pop, a hot dog and a candy bar at the corner store.
Maybe she thought she had the money in the bank. Maybe she did and someone stole it. Don't tell anyone in West Virginia ... but, many folks in this village have bounced a check or two in the past.
Who knows what the hell happened. What we do know is that rich white folks steal millions of dollars a day in so-called white-collar crime ... there is no justification for arresting anybody like Megan Williams less than 10 days after being raped and tortured.
I find it ironic that executives may steal millions and go fairly free....those in need may bounce a check (or steal - i think its bouncing a check ) and get much worse....
NFC - Yes, we live in a strange world. I'm glad that we are able to 'see' your village voice back here again!
First, lets not justify doing something bad by another example of someone else doing something bad. If she had wrote you all those bad checks I bet you would be pretty mad.
But, the bounced checks are irrelevant to the torture case. If she is guilty then let her pay her fine but this should not take any of the focus off of what those 6, ignorant people did to her.
KDub - I have no problem with holding her responsible for crime(s) that she committed. I just think that it is immoral and inhumane to bring her into court just a few days after the rape and torture. They could have picked her up and anytime. She wasn't going anywhere...
i have to say they could have waited in light of what she had been through. picking up check bouncers happens every day, but how many of them had been tortured/raped/assaulted by people they knew for a week?
Just Judith - I agree with you 100%. btw, thank you for visiting our village today!
it was horrific crime and the people should be punished to the highest extent of the law but how about getting everybody together to rally about the six members of white trash when blacks are killing whites at a 15 to 1 clip. How about getting a rally together to stop being a violent race. Maybe stop celebrating dealing, killing, and stealing as a cool thing. Just an idea.
Anon - FBI statistics tell us that most white murder victims are killed by other whites. Just as most Black murder victims are killed by other Blacks. Where did you get your 15:1 statistic?
U are right most whites kill whites and most blacks kill blacks but if you google violent crime and race statistics you will find that of all the murders it is about half and half between races. Although blacks only represent between 1/7 and 1/8 of the population. That means a black man is seven times more likely to commit a murder and if you look further you will see that amongst interracial killings every year from 1990 it has averaged out to be that a black man is fifteen times more likely to kill a white person. There are more statistics that will prove to you just how violent black people are. It is crazy. Lets face it though you don't really need to look at the stats. Just look around, in my city of 100,000, Columbia, MO, last week four black males performed a home invasion armed robbery and raped a sixteen year old. I was robbed at gun point in a home invasion robbery by four black males I had never met. It happens a lot here. But its much easier for black people to point the finger at white people for their problems. It just seems like all the free lunches, welfare, and public housing isn't enough for these animals. I am not saying all black people but even a lot of educated, goal oriented black people still have to go get rims put on their car, empathize with the rappers who were just starving to death growning up. I am sure Lil Wayne absolutely had to start selling crack to his neighbors, murdering, and robbing people. Gimme a freaking break. These people are out of control and all they can think to do is latch on to a hate crime that has nothing to do with their lives and is not reflective on the white race anyway. Come on did you see those white trash. I hope they lock them up and throw away the key. News flash black people its not the system, its you guys acting like primitive animals. You really think that one/third of the prison population is black for no reason, come on people. Its because you all are really violent, walking around talking about "I wish a mofo would." White people are like I hope someone doesn't because I don't want to be locked in a cage. Smart if you ask me. Drug dealing and violence are never going to be ok in this country regardless of whether it is a cultural thing or not. Stress education in your families and stop raising your kids like pitbulls and you will find it is not really hard to get a job in this country. People just don't like ignorant, violence. Doesn't make for a great place to live. Besides nobody is going to help your race but your own. Accountability is the first step, and these roaches walking around with golds in their mouth looking for someone to rob are tearing the country apart.
Anon - Thank you for sharing your village voice. All voices are welcome.
Anonymous, if you are so big and bad why are you posting anonymously? Are you scared that some "black roach" will "bust a cap in your ass?" Good you should be afraid, it's people like YOU who make this county miserable not the small demographic of historically oppressed black people. Yeah it IS your fault you cracker. Until you are a black person living in this country shut up, because you don't know what you're talking about. Let's not forget that the 6 people who tortured and RAPED an innocent black women were WHITE, along with ALL the slave owners who probably did the same thing day in and day out to the Blacks who were their PROPERTY...who are the crazy sickos now?
Its true. Its my fault. I love to do sick things like those people. The overwhelming number of white people just pay taxes to raise the same kids that are committing crimes then again to feed them while they are in prison. Sorry if you will never get over it Lauryn. We are really sick and race relations have not gotten better at all. The white man is evil. So he should just sit back and be quiet while the a generation of finger pointers fail to set real goals for themselves. I love black people but the culture needs changing. Maybe not we should all just get more violent and primitive. Then we wouldn't have to even worry about safety. I am so scared lady. If you want to keep comparing apples and oranges check out what the four black guys did to the people in knoxville,tn on Jan. 6. Guess what they were raped and killed. Just as horrible. I do not want t o appear insensitive to Megan Williams. It was sick. I AM NOT A SLAVE OWNER NOR WAS I EVER. STOP HATING ME. Its not my fault you make the decision to wish death upon me.
I would also like to offer you insight on a white perspective when it comes to modern day african-american protest. First off admit that as a sub-culture you are hypersensitive when it comes to public issues. I know you remember the OJ supporters. He just admitted to it. Mike Vick is a very low character individual. He spreads herpes like wildfire. I hope he gets a second chance but the guy was wrong and dumb I might add. Mikael Bell is just another violent teen with numerous violent priors. Were these stupid teenagers not just warned that it would be all bad if the violence persisted. They should have listened to the DA. Lets rally behind six dumb kids who want to kick people after they are unconcsious. Great rally! How would you deal with violence just let them go. The only thing that works is to set examples and harshen penalties. Although Jena seemed like a pretty racist place oh well if some stupid kid who can go through life without having to put his hands on his neighbors then who cares? Sounds like a litte piece of crap. Lauryn by the way is the same type of person as those who I am trying to get to take accountability. People are afraid of the truth. Like having to get up and go to work to make a living. Its much easier to just go out and rob somebody. Then blame it on the system. Great. Lauryn gets a couple stats thrown in her face and all the sudden she hopes I die and calls me a cracker. That is the attitude of a weak, dumb person. Lauryn is definitely going to be broke or in jail.
Anon - Your comments appear to be off-topic from the story about Megan Williams. However, your village voice is always welcome. Do you have a blog of your own?
It is extremely depressing to hear what other white americans think of black people today. I am black not African American. I just want to say to the hipocrite that posted Anonymous, just because you say you are not prejuduce doesn't mean that you aren't. I am sorry you got robbed by four black men. You obviously have some pretty sour feelings towards black people. I guess that is understandable. But be honest and clear about what you a really saying about Black people before you voice your opinion. Then sit back and take a look at your own race for what it really is.
I don't need to point the finger at white people because the history of the North America pretty much speaks for itself. White men stole this land. You call my black brothers roaches. Maybe you need to do some soul searching. And don't take my response wrong, I'm not a hater. You live in Columbia MO??? Pretty small town.
LaToya - My sista ... u have a front row seat at our Electronic Village whenever you come by! Your comments show a degree of patience and quite determination that should be in all of us. Thank you very much for sharing your village voice...
I am happy to hear you have exhibited a degree of patience with me and I respect your insight. Its hard not to be prejudice when you are robbed inside your home by people you didn't know. Then look around and see that happening everywhere. I definitely have been cultured enough to understand race and try not to extend these stereotypes when dealing with individuals directly. Its kind of like learning that ur kid has autism an d all of the sudden becoming an activist. I actually identify well with most black people and share a frustration with ignorant white people. What would you think about the people who robbed you? Unfortunately it is safe to lump them into a certain grouping. You hear robbing, murder, and dealing celebrated everyday in black culture and these people are not alone. Then I turn on the television and see criminals being turned into heros. White people have obviously sacrificed quite a bit and became a little bit more civilized since Chris Columbus. I have let my black friends live with me in the past, went to all black clubs, currently date a black woman, played basketball with black people until college, and forgive me if my opinion is now that Jena Six, old OJ protests, Michael Vick are the wrong people to be celebrating. I know that they are your brothers but they are too violent. I know that relations have been tense here lately in the news but it could be due to the protesting. It is obvious if you examine violent crime statistics it is not the justice systems fault that so many black people are in jail. It is because of education, moral standard, and lack of accountability by black male. I do take into accountability all of the horrible thing that have been done by my ancestory in the past but I really believe people are people. Although it may be the fault of my ancestory I refuse to believe that should be an excuse for the newer generations who should be much more civilized. Trust me I understand the complexity of race relations today but you have to admit something needs to change in the attitudes of these people and when I am constantly seeing my race as complete racists in the media then think about how much more likely a black man is to rape a white woman overall. It is ignorant to be trying to spend all of this focus to this case and it proves what. Racism is still alive. Of course, but maybe it needs to be like that in order to create reform in the black community so eventually a look in the mirror will happen. Look at Africa right now and see how violent it is over diamonds. Its not that white people are the only race that was capable of slavery. Its going on right now in africa by people of the same color. My people have made mistakes but I believe that we are good and I also believe that black people are good people just the same I just see a lot of finger pointing and not a lot of accountability. Civilly speaking black people have a challenge ahead of them in improving iq score along with test scores. Its not that a brain varies from race to race but black people need to concentrate on education so each generation will get smarter and smarter. Thats why it is much easier for a black person to get into college now. Its not that hard to make a living especially with what welfare is available. Hispanics do just fine. But its time to stop blaming white people, because it only creates more tension. I am speaking out uncharacteristically because it has became so ugly the sense of entitlement black men have when we all struggle pretty much. I know that there are rich kids in both races who knows people but I'm not hating. Thats how the game goes but trust me there are a lot of white people who have to break the cycle of their families too.
This Megan Williams case is a terrible story, this kind of crime should be delt with harshly!
At least this story has gotten national media attention... At least Megan is alive... Thank God she wansn't white, we would have neve heard of her or her story...
Don't believe me? Have you heard of the Newsome/Christian murders? Varify it at snopes.com with this link.
Average American - I'll check out the link you provided. Thank you for sharing your village voice for us.
Anon - No doubt that prayer is important for the Williams' family as well as the six rednecks that assaulted her. However, race is part of the problem. The hard truth is that the family of six would never consider doing to a white woman what they did to a Black woman. Just my opinion...
i cannot believe that they are going on about a few bounced cheques, what is wrong with america, cant they see when something is wrong. Being a black women doesnt count i supppose when she is raped tortured and stabbed. They have done this to over shadow the crime that she has endured. Im not surprised that they have brought this up, trying to change the subject you see. As tu pac shakur would say, SOME THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE.
Anon - Tupac Shakur may have been right ... however, we should change those things that we control. We can change the way that we react to violence against Black women. I'm hopeful that this is what will in our community in 2008 and beyond...
Man please, are Blacks more violent than whites don't think so
what happen to the thousands of killed in slaverly or the hangins by the KKK after slavey, police so called excident killing there is way more black on black crime than black on white murder oyea has anybody seen any indians lately.
The damage is to severe this problem is just how the Goverment played it, don't fool yourself this is just too deep of a mess for American blacks to fix. This problem is AMERICA problem. All these black crime are like Goverment defence contract, create bigger cash money cow, bigger prison, a police socity that don't care, lawyers getting paid high rates for small petti stuff.
Our government will spend Billions of dollars on Defence contract but will not spend 2000 to help inner city school or Job programs to help bypass Welfare. The next time you hear the Goverment spend over 20 million on some bull crap program, that money could have been used as repreation for slaverly to send somebody to college, tech school a new car for a job ect. We need WHITE American to take a stand if you dare in tell you Senators and Congressment to vito high Defence contract and to allocate them to help solve this problem, but I don't this happening. (PEACE) the TRUTH
Anon - You make some good points about the need for race relations issues to be dealt with equally by both whites and Blacks. In future, I encourage you to step out of the shadows and not use 'Anonymous' when you comment. We encourage you to freely share your village voice in the future...
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