One of the fastest-growing blogs in the afrosphere is What About Our Daughters created by Gina McCauley. Gina's blog moved from 19th place in our Sep 2007 Black Blog Rankings (BBR) to BBR #10 in Jan 2008. It helped that a major national magazine named Gina as one of the 25 most influential African Americans in the country. Gina shares some insights into herself and her blog in an interview recently shared on Mirror On America (BBR #57).
Take a moment to read the blog interview with Gina McCauley. Then come back and share your village voice on what you found most enlightening about Gina's answers.
Take a moment to read the blog interview with Gina McCauley. Then come back and share your village voice on what you found most enlightening about Gina's answers.
Gina is tough sister. Do not mess with her. Great interview.
Marty - Gina is an inspiration for many of us in the afrosphere!
Wow! I am so proud of Gina! Like her, I did not realize how powerful my voice would be (as an African American woman) but I have grown up in a family full of activism all my life. It is wild that I have a similar educational background but then I am so glad she has found her voice out here in blog land especially after the Don Imus situation. She is an inspiration for all. Go head, Gina!
Jennifer - Yes, Gina is da bomb. I think she is hopeful that more of us will find our authentic voice here in the afrosphere as well.
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