Villagers, one of my grandfather's good friends back in the day was Dave Moore. The two of them worked together for many years in politics. My grandfather would have enjoyed seeing the current political possibilities ... David Moore shared his thoughts on Barack Obama's possible election in an interview with the People's Weekly World:
These days, as millions nationwide work to elect the first African American president, 96-year-old Dave Moore, longtime labor and community leader, wonders if it’s all just a dream.
“I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I’ve been Black all my life, and sometimes I don’t know if I’m dreaming,” Moore told the World. He said he was “blown away” at how many white votes Barack Obama won during the primaries and the impressive display of thousands of white voters at Obama rallies across the country.
“When I wake up the next day after the election and Obama wins, then I will know that this country has begun to take a turn for the better,” said Moore.
You can read the rest of the interview here.
You may not be 96 years old ... but, use the COMMENTS section to share your thoughts on what it will mean to you if Barack Obama wins the presidential election later today.
WOW!! Today is the day, after a verrryyyy long campaign we may see the first African American President! Phenomenal!
My grandparents are all deceased but tonight may mark the day when 4 generations of my family will see a black President (My mother, me, my children & my grandbaby)sworn in! I am almost in tears, this will prove that our kids can TRULY aspire to be and do anything they can imagine!
Mrs. Grapevine & Regina - I went to the polls early this morning. About 50 people in line ... took me about an hour to get thru the line to the voting booth. I saw a Black family of four ... mother,father and 2 teenage sons. That had to be a great drive to & from the booth for that family!
I wore a sweatshirt with Malcolm X's face and the words, "My Lethal Weapon is My Mind". The young lady that greeted me at the entrance asked me to cover up my sweat shirt. She thought it was the image of Barack Obama. Another young volunteer working with her informed her that Malcolm X and Barack Obama were not the same person.
Anyhow, I enjoyed the experience and I now wait to see the results come in over the next few hours...
hey there!
This is a phenomenal day for ALL of us to have experienced!!
On an unrelated note, you have a photo of Tyra and a caption over her head that makes reference to an animal...as you know...I have written about the animalization of black women...no matter how unintentional it may be...we MUST stop drawing associations between black women and animals.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Lisa - The Tyra Banks header corrected. It should have read, "Village Hero"...
@ Villager
See, now THAT'S why the sistas love you!! (smiles)
Possibility is now reality...IN OUR LIFETIME!!!
Martin - Amen! YES WE CAN! Now America gets to watch Barack Obama govern...
Hey Villager.
Fantastic post. It's so hard to imagine what this means for someone of that generation. My mother is 87, and talking to her on the phone last night she was just so overcome, man. And both of us wishing my father and grandfather could have lived to see this.
Not only did I never think I would ever live to see something liek this, but it has seriously changed my perceptions about my country and my neighbor, you know? I've been forced to admit that I may need to challenge some of my own assumptions, and that's a good thing.
This is just so...
That's interesting Wayne, because here in my county one of the flyers said wearing clothing with candidates or party images was not the same as campaigning. You can wear whatever you want.
Interesting how that's interpreted and handled differently around the country.
Keith - My mom is on the west coast. She called me when the networks announced Obama as the winner. She was overcome with joy and wanted to make sure that I didn't fall asleep on it.
I've been working on her to cable television. My Dad didn't beleive in it ... thought he would spend too much time in front of television if he had it ... so they never had cable in 50 years of marriage.
Anyhow, she got it 2 weeks ago. When she called last night she knew how much more election coverage she could get with it. She was very happy to watch Obama election results on cable last night (smile)
Martin - The rules were different in different states. Ohio wouldn't let you where images or other "campaign" stuff in the polling area. The funny part was that this woman thought my shirt's image of Malcolm X was the same as Barack Obama. I guess she knows better now...
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