November 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: 5 Obama Hair Don'ts



Tafari said...

Mos def a no no one #3!!!


Hey there!

Now THAT is just hilarious!! *LOL*

I must say....that photo of Barack in dreds or twists is pretty fly!



Randall said...

I agree that four of them are all wrong for him. But I have to agree with Lisa that the dreds/twists aren't bad.

CK Ng said...

That's hilarious. LOL! :D Happy WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

This cracked me up!
Happy WW.

Valerie said...

that is hilarious!!!

June said...

I think he's got it just right now...though I suspect we will be seeing gray before too long. I pray for him...

Maureen Hayes said...

LOVED this!! Thanks for having a sense of humor!

Check out my post for WW at:

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious.

DNLee said...


Happy WW. Check out my Scenes of Autumn and Vote for me. I’m a finalist in a Blogging Scholarship. Visit this link and select Danielle Lee. I would really appreciate everyone's support.

Thank You very much.

Kristi K. said...

Oh my gosh! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I dunno, Villager. I think Barack just might can rock dem dreads...

It's a new day in America, bro. Time to let it shine!

Black on Campus said...

I don't know...I kinda like the high-top fade...

The Bumbles said...

No to the bald - but with the dreads he looks just like Manny Ramirez. Our WW is here...

Jaden Paige said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that! I have to say, I think #4 is the WORST!


Happy WW! Thanks for the laugh :D

clnmike said...

You dead wrong for that one, lol.

SjP said...

I was wondering what he'd look like bald. Oh well....

Hey Shae! said...

LMAO He should stay far, far away from all those styles.

Unknown said...

I don't think the dreds are bad on him, However with dreds he would not have won that race!!