UPDATE: Joke is on Nas ...
New York threatens to pull $84 million in funding because of his N-Word album.
UPDATE: Mo'Kelly shares his thoughts on Nas. He thinks Nas is a comedian...
I thought that the
NAACP buried the N-word at their convention earlier this year?
Apparently, the memo didn't get to Rudy Giuliani or Nas.
I wouldn't know Nas if he walked into my living roo

m right now. I've placed a photo of the young man with this post. My grandmother would say that he is a handsome young man ... until she heard him speak ... then she would note that he didn't have any home training.
Nas appears to be the 21st century coon. He is this generation's Stepin Fetchit.
StepNAS-Fetchit should be the self-title for his new album. I wonder if he even knows how much of a fool he will be if he allows music industry executives to use the N-word as the name of his album?
On the other hand,
Rudy is old enough to know better. Since he knows better and continues to trample on the dignity and respect of African Americans ... the logical conclusion is that he simply doesn't care.
Rudy never had much love for Black people when he was mayor of New York.
He isn't showing much love for people of African descent as a presidential candidate. You may recall that Rudy
selected a co-chair in South Carolina who feels comfortable enough to denigrate the NAACP (
...calling them the 'Nationa
l Association of Retarded People' in public speech..) and Black folks in general on multiple occassions. The South Carolina co-chair is 80-years old.
I tend to give old white guys a break for being prejudiced. Rudy should know better ... he says he wants to president all the people, however, it continues to seem that he isn't as interested in representing Black people in America.
This week we learn that Rudy's Minnesota co-chair,
Rick Stanek, had been fired from a public position a few years ago because of his frequent use of the N-word in the workplace and elsewhere.
Do you sense a pattern here with Rudy's close cronies in this presidential election? I think that Rudy doesn't have much love for Black folks.
Too Sense pointed out that this could simply be
the southern strategy for Rudy. They don't like his social policies on 'family value' issues in those
red states ... but,
they sho' nuff got themselves a dyed in the wool good ol' boy in Rudy. That might be enough to get him the Republican nomination for president.
I understand why Rudy didn't show up in Baltimore or Detroit earlier this year for the presidential debates on African American issues. He can't stand the heat of questions about his racist cronies.
Rudy and StepNAS-Fetchit are both fools in my opinion. What say u?