Kyra Hicks (Black Threads) is part of the growing Afrosphere. She points out to villagers that the Smithsonian is looking for Inspiring Americans - and your vote counts! Here's your chance to share your thoughts with the Smithsonian, nominate your favorite historical or contemporary villager, your teacher, your mentor, or any person who motivated you to do better!
Villagers, are you aware of other events on the upcoming calendar that we should share while we are sitting around the Electronic Village baobob tree?
Cool. I posted this, too.
Thanks for spreading the word. I will be participating with both ladies. Keep on keeping on.
Sounds like a wonderful idea, Wayne especially with Father's Day just around the corner.
Hope your week is going well;
- Anna
Thank you for the Smithsonian Focus. Tell us who inspires you by noon EST on June 15- in 250 words- who can make the finals. This should be an inspiring challenge.
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