April 20, 2008

New AfroSpear Member: Afronerd

Please join me in welcoming Afro Nerd and his blog, Afronerd, to The AfroSpear. Afronerd (BBR #151) is a new and needed web sanctuary for people of color with intellectual and artistic pursuits. This blog addresses subjects such as current events, culture, science, religion, politics, entertainment and literature.

When asked how his blog could help The AfroSpear, Afro Nerd replied that his blog would "provide an alternative political viewpoint for other bloggers and their readership." Afro Nerd himself made a commitment "to contribute to the Black blogosphere with my time, intellect and conservative views ... and to always be open minded and truthful."

It is always great to find unique voices in the blogging diaspora. I hope that you will take a moment to visit Afronerd...


Jose Vilson said...

I'll definitely do that.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

congrats nerd

Unknown said...

Torrance - It is great to see new voices in the blogging diaspora...

Jose - I'll be in touch shortly re: DC meet-up...