Many of you will recall that I had kind things to say about former republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. In fact, I was approached by Black republicans to endorse Huckabee at one time (...I had to let 'em know that I'm not a republican...). Anyhow, all of my goodwill towards Mike Huckabee is gone today. He can head back to Arkansas as a television game show host for all that I care. Villagers, he phuqued up big time at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention when he joked about an assassination attempt on Barack Obama.
“That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak,” said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. “Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.”No republican should be joking about assassination of a charismatic leader. Don't they know the impact of guns when it comes to our best and brightest political leaders?
Huckabee needs to apologize for his sorry efforts at humor! What say u?
UPDATE: Huckabee issued an apology: "During my speech at the NRA, a loud noise backstage that sounded like a chair falling distracted the crowd and interrupted my speech. I made an offhand remark that was in no way intended to offend or disparage Sen. Obama. I apologize that my comments were offensive. That was never my intention."
The Obama campaign had no comment. Villagers, do you have any comments?
I just saw this online and, wow. Just wow. He needs to apologize and do some community service as penance.
This sort of inappropriate, racist attitude, that it's ok to joke about the murder of a black man, is so ingrained in people that it comes out spontaneously, even when the media is right there to tape it.
White people have been saying this stuff for forever and I think it's a bit shock to all of them that their "semi-private" jokes are being made public and that there's a negative backlash. The soft, racist underbelly of America is being exposed to the world for what it is.
Yeah he does.
I just read about this...man, I thought he had more class than this.
Damn right he should apologize, and he should do it quickly...
He needs to make a public apology. I don't know why they don't make these politicians go to diversity training. They need to face it "we" are infiltrating the government offices and they need to accept it and stop acting a fool.
Villager, The more things change the more they stay the same.
He should definitely apologize. And if he becomes McCain's VP running mate, we should raise h*ll about that too. Thanks for getting this information out there.
I heard only part of his comment - about Obama falling of the chair - and got distracted so I didn't hear of see the rest until reading your post. I would give Huckabee an SjP Stuck on Stupid honor today - but, his remark was not stupid! It was hateful, racist, immoral, and a whole lot of other words I'm not going to post here out of respect to you Villager. But, this coming from a so-called Christian! He should not only apologize publically - he needs to pray for forgiveness! SjP
Hucakbee apologized already~but it is not sitting very well with me.
Do I believe that it was just spontaneous? No.
Did you notice that there were people who laughed? That indicates that the grounds were ripe for telling that type of "joke" and believing that it would get over. No one walked out, gasped or even verbally protested after the statement came out of his mouth. I believe that Huckabee knew it would be well received by the listening audience.
If he had been speaking to a group of black people~he might of thought it~but he damn sure wouldn't of said it. He would of known not to do so.
But he was in his element. I haven't seen anyone who was in attendance~speak out against his statement.
I still like Huckabee, he apologized for a horrible attempt of a joke that wasn't funny from the jump. The reason I still like Huckabee is because he didn't try to twist it, he just said it was wrong. He's quick to admit wrong doing, and one slip up is not going to make me change my mind. Now if it happens a few more times, he may go on the Republican list with Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.
All - I see that Huckabee had to apologize again this morning on Meet The Press.
Los Angelista - It is a good thing that we are able to put these politicians on jump street more often as they try to play their sly word games in front of all-white audiences like the NRA...
Sojourner - Amen sista!
Hi Villager,
I did not hear about this until coming by here. I understand that he apologized, which is all well and good, BUT I was told a long time ago that a drunk says things when inebriated that they really feel but don't say otherwise. I think the same goes for this instance. Why was this sorry attempt at humor at Barack's expense THE FIRST thing to pop into his head and fly out of his mouth?? it must hold some truth in his mind...
I'm just saying...
Regina - I agree with you. I think that Huckabee thought it was OK to make the joke. He would never consider doing the same thing to a white candidate ... but, he felt comfortable doing it to a Black candidate... that is one of the reasons I hestitate to trust white men from down south...
His comment shows that hidden agenda for Barack. If he is elected President, shoot me and get a real President like Bush, or I mean McCain. The only good from his comment was that there was very little laughter from the NRA crowd because even they knew Huckabee was wrong.
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