Today, we are proud to share with you Villager's Black Blog Rankings (BBR) for May 2008 with 1,173 blogs in the mix! Have you seen the growth over the past few months?
- September 2007 - 75 Black blogs
- October 2007 - 300 Black blogs
- January 2008 - 602 Black blogs
- April 2008 - 1,045 Black blogs
Prometheus 6 (BBR #46) and Open Entrance (BBR #113) both agreed to work with me on ways to improve the Black Blog Rankings over the coming weeks and months. I anticipate that we will find ways to automate part of this process. Right now, the entire process is something that I do manually. Frankly, I didn't have any idea how this ranking would grow in popularity when I got started. If you have ideas, suggestions or if you see some Black blogs missing from the BBR, then I encourage you to post a comment below!
Take a moment to see where your blog falls on the list ... then tell your blog readers ... and share some link-love with this post! For what it's worth, I'm still looking for a creative brother or sister that can create a nice button or banner that folks can place on their own website or blog pointing folks to the Villager's Black Blog Ranking (perhaps with a visual of a rhino on it). Any creative folks out there with ideas?
Anyhow, with no further ado, here are the Top Ten Black Blogs for May 2008:
Take a moment to see where your blog falls on the list ... then tell your blog readers ... and share some link-love with this post! For what it's worth, I'm still looking for a creative brother or sister that can create a nice button or banner that folks can place on their own website or blog pointing folks to the Villager's Black Blog Ranking (perhaps with a visual of a rhino on it). Any creative folks out there with ideas?
Anyhow, with no further ado, here are the Top Ten Black Blogs for May 2008:
- The Bossip: Bossip.com (Authority: 1,153 / Rank: 2,605) - [Entertainment] Bossip.com holds down the BBR #1 slot for the third month in a row. There is alot of
discussion here and elsewhere about the reason Black entertainment (or gossip) blogs do so well. Regardless of your opinion about gossip blogs ... you have to respect Bossip.com for its ability to maintain a loyal following of young and influential trend setters who are up to date with what’s hot in society. I must admit that I'm disappointed that the Bossip.com folks haven't dropped by to say anything to our villagers. Perhaps this will be the month that we hear from this powerhouse blog team.
- Pa
m Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 1,098 / Rank: 2,860) - [Politics] Pam proves to us that a Black blogger does not have to focus on gossip to be highly ranked. This blog focuses on Race, Politics, Feminism, Gays, Lesbians and TransGender issues. One way that Pam increased the popularity of her blog is by using guest bloggers. There are a number of talented brothers and sisters that post regularly on this blog. However, Pam is the reason that I enjoy it. I encourage you to view her candid comments on what we can expect for bloggers and blogging after the 2008 election cycle is over.
- Angel Laws: Concrete Loop (Authority: 1,010 / Rank: 3,310) - [Entertainme
nt] Angel Laws, a 23-year-old college student in Jacksonville, NC, started this blog as a hobby. She has changed the game with her Black celebrity and entertainment blog that focuses on gossip, music, celebrity interviews, pictures and such. Angel has been kind enough to visit with us in the past. I would not be surprised if her blog eventually gets back to the #1 slot.
- ESKAY: Nah Right (Authority: 819 / Rank: 4,653) - [Entertainment] ESKAY continues to build this blog stronger and stronger as measured by the Technorati Authority ranking. He started his blog in M
ay 2005. One of the common themes for the the blogs in the Top 10 is that they were created many years ago. It takes time to build a strong blog. Nah Right focus is on Music and Movies.
- Fresh Crunkjuice: Crunk & Disorderly* (A
uthority: 626 / Rank: 5,691) - [Entertainment] This gossip blog, created in August 2004, jumped up a space to BBR #5 this month. However, I suspect that this blog will start to move down the list as Fresh Crunkjuice is transitioning from a Blogger.com site to one that he owns himself. I don't visit this blog very often, so I don't have much to add at this point in time.
- O
liver Willis: Oliver Willis (Authority: 618 / Rank: 7,167) - [Politics] Oliver began his blog in April 2005. It is always good to have non-gossip blogs ranking this high in the BBR as it disproves the notion that Black blog readers are only interested in entertainment postings. Oliver is a manic Redskins fan who blogs quite abit about the 2008 election, conservatives and republicans.
- Natasha Eubanks: Young, Black & Fabu
lous (Authority: 597 / Rank: 7,549) - [Entertainment] Natasha is a 25-year old law student in Washington DC. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to meet Sis. Eubanks when I traveled to Washington DC last month. I would have asked her for any tips on moving from blogspot.com domain to her own domain. She successfully made that transition over the past few months. Her blog remains one of the hottest Black celebrity gossip sites on the net since it was created in June 2005. Top tags on her blog are Candids, Parties and Rumor Control
- Jack Turner and Jill Tubman: Jack and Jill Politics* (Authority: 461 / Rank
: 11,444) - [Politics] - It will take a little longer for JJP to move up in the BBR, however, we are in the midst of one of the most exciting election cycles in our history. As such, the Black bourgeois perspective on American politics will continue to rise over the coming weeks and months. JJP has moved from BBR #31 in Sep 2007 rankings to current BBR #8. Top tags for this blog are 2008 Democratic Primary, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
- La Shawn Barber: La Shawn Barber's Corner (Authority: 417 / Rank: 13,018) - [
Social Commentary] La Shawn continues her transition from being a political blogger. Her blog, born in Nov 2003, now writes about faith, culture, digital technology and how these three things intersect. Sis. Barber is an entrepreneur who consults with interested bloggers. I 'met' Sis. Barber during NPR Blogger Roundtables that we did in Nov 2007 and Jan 2008. Top tags on her blog are Faith, Pop Culture and Technology.
- Sandra Rose: Sandra Rose (Authority: 411 / Rank: 13,259) - [Enter
tainment] Sandra Rose transitioned from her blogger.com platform to her own domain over the past few months. Her fans appear to have found the newer blog location as she breaks back into the Top 10 this month. Sandra's hook is her photography. She is a celebrity photographer with a portfolio of work that includes some of the greats from Janet Jackson to Usher and all points in-between and otherwise. Sandra Rose is Atlanta’s go-to-photographer when it comes to all things celebrity.
HONORABLE MENTION (11-25): Real Talk NY Provides The Latest Hip Hop News, What About Our Daughters*, The Field Negro*, Afro Bella, The Angry Black Woman, Entre mes Lignes, Angry Black Bitch, Keith Boykin, Ill Doctrine, How To Split An Atom, Love B. Scott, A Hot Mess!, Clutch Magazine, Kenyan Pundit and QuestLove MySpace Blog
The only qualification is that the blogger needs to be of African descent. The blogger does not have to be a member of The AfroSpear or the Afrosphere Bloggers Association, although we invite all Black bloggers to join either (or both) of those organizations.
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are members of The AfroSpear.
Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.
We do think that these Black blogs are important spheres of influence. Let them know that you appreciate the work they have put in over the past few months and years to get on this list. My vision is that many of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR will join us later this year at the Blogging While Brown conference in Atlanta, GA on July 25-27, 2008.
Finally, I encourage you to provide some link-love to this post so that others can learn about the Villager's Black Blog Rankings! Next step is yours ... what say u?
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are members of The AfroSpear.
Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.
We do think that these Black blogs are important spheres of influence. Let them know that you appreciate the work they have put in over the past few months and years to get on this list. My vision is that many of the brothers and sisters on this month's BBR will join us later this year at the Blogging While Brown conference in Atlanta, GA on July 25-27, 2008.
Finally, I encourage you to provide some link-love to this post so that others can learn about the Villager's Black Blog Rankings! Next step is yours ... what say u?
good look folk, i know u added me but its too many, where am i on these 26 pages lol
Great to see that it's not all gossip anymore! What's my ranking Villager?
Hey Villager, you show me with 26 authority, but I'm actually up to 38.
Torrance - You are BBR #28 at the moment...
Deidra - Black and Missing But Not Forgotten is BBR #51 at the moment...
Kevin - Thank you for the correction/update. I'm able to track the top 200 (Authority > 50) on a regular basis. The other 800+ are not updated as frequently. So it helps when you and others can remind me to take a look or provide me with the number. Your blog is now BBR #281...
Hi EV, would you be kind enough to provide me wiht my number for this month; I don't have Adobe installed on the new notebook.
BTW, today I blogged about Louis Vuitton suing an artist over her campaign in support of Darfur. Thought you might be interested.
Villager, just a note for your update: Mrs Grapevine at #43 is part of the Afrospear now; so she should get an astreic.
And torrance, in a pdf file like that, you can type your blog's name in the search box in the middle of the top banner, and it'll take you to the exact spot on the page.
That's what I had to do to find my second blog (The Jena 6 Blog) at 500 and somethings :P
Villager: Can you please provide a sista with my rank. (www.nuvisionforanuday.blogspot.com) The PDF you provided is not working well with my assistive technology. Thanks!
Angie - Nuvision For a Nuday is BBR #665...
Yobachi - Good catch! I've added the asterisk for Mrs. Grapevine. For what it's worth, Jena 6 Blog is BBR #522...
Marleaux - Thanx for the tip on the Vuittan/Darfur post. I'll come by and check it out.
Lolo in Real Life is BBR #808 and Lolo's Cube is BBR #274...
Hi There Villager!
This list just keeps growing and growing! We have quality and quantity going strong over here! I finally broke into the top 100! Awesome!!
have a great weekend!
Regina - Congrats on breaking into the Top 100! This blog has been in the top 30-35 for most of the past six months. I've never been able to get into the Top 25. At one point, I considered increasing the honorable mentions to include the Top 35 (smile). But, I decided that would not be right. Instead, I'll just keep trying to move up the ol' fashioned way ... by earning it!
sorry to be the one to pass this news along but nahright isn't a black blog... black content but not black owned and run
read my blog
check out my fashion, streetwear blog
didnt know that ybf and concreteloop were started by black woman that are o young... good business right there
Adriano - Your blog is BBR #1179. I hope you will consider adding my blog to your blogroll...
Marcus - Your blog is now BBR #749 and I hope you'll add us to your blogroll as well...
cjsh629sr - Can you point me someplace to verify your claim that Nah Right is not Black-owned? If they are not Black owned and operated ... then we will drop them from the BBR...
Eb - One of the benefits of this monthly Black Blog Rankings is that we provide exposure to some powerful and talented brothers and sisters ... such as the two that you mention in your comment. Hopefully, other bloggers will be inspired to keep up the hard and consistent work necessary to rise to the top. I hope you will share information about our rankings with your blog readers...
Some members were floating that guy "eskays" private myspace page around his board about a year ago before he banned them and he's a white kid from Long Island. Just ask him to verify that he's black watch his reaction.
cjsh629sr - Thank you for the update. If you have a link to the myspace page or other verification that can be reviewed online then you are invited to share it. Otherwise, we are proud to have Nah Right on the Black Blog Rankings...
Be as proud as you'd like to be, thats fine. I just think you should know for sure that a blog is black owned and run before you put them on your lis, is there even a verification process? Black content is enough I guess.... No hate just do your homework..
cjsh626sr - You indicated that Eskay was a white boy from Long Island. That was incorrect. You indicate that his blog is white-owned ... yet, you offer no proof. I have no problem with removing a blog that is not black owned & operated. I've done it before. However, I won't do it without something more than your rumor-mongering...
Villager, please update the Black and Married With Kids site to our current technorati authority of 37. Also I added your site to our blogroll. Keep up the good work and I'll be in touch.
Black Married With Kids - Thank you very much for sharing the updated information with me. As you can imagine ... it is hard to keep up with almost 1,100 blogs. In any case, your blog rockets up to BBR #288 with this updated information...
I must say.. I'm actually shocked.... I didn't expect to see my blog on that list. Mad News has only been up since Jan 08. Seeing myself placed at 518.. was a plesent surprise. I was growing tired of the blogging game, but I now feel motivated again.
Thanks for providing this info!
By the way Eskay is black (West Indian descent)
Mad News - I just went back to check. Your blog is actually BBR #258 now as it continues to work its way up the Black Blog Rankings. It is sometimes frustrating being a blogger. Just stay true to your authentic voice and provide good content for your readers. You'll ride out the storms that way. If you have time, please add the Electronic Village to your blogroll...
Thanks for the encouraging words Villager.
I have now added Electronic Village to my blog roll
What I particularly loved about this entry was the guidance involved: You provided so many tips along with insightful commentary on these blogs. This is priceless and def within the spirit!
I can't thank you enough...
the lab
Blackgirl on Mars - I hope you share information about our blog with your blog readers either as part of blogroll or blog post. I would love to see our peeps supporting one another as much as possible out here in cyberspace...
Hey, thanks for adding me to this blog ranking list. I did not realize I was even on the list until today. I am so excited to say the least to be #430 (Eartodastreetz). Totally appreciate it and this list gives me more motivation to continue blogging. Thanks again!
Hey there,
I'm interested in knowing where I fall in this mix of things, if at all. My blog is called The Fury (http://sofurious.com). Thanks.
Also, just a note: Fresh from C+D is a girl.
do you have a hyperlink to every blog on that list?
Hi Villager! Thanks for having me on the list. But I was wondering where there any chances made to my spot, because I noticed I change the name from RBTF to Repping Beantown but rbtf remained on the list at number 220. If you can help me with that, I would very much appreciate it :)
Hey! Thanks for adding my site to the list...but my technorati rank is WAY higher than you listed.
Micki - I just checked and it turns out that your blog is now BBR #331. I hope you come back and visit often ... and feel free to share information about you ranking with your blog readers or add my blog to your blogroll...
Kid Fury - Thanks for the tip on Fresh. I'll update the verbiage in the post to show that she is female. As for your blog ... young brotha, your blog is BBR #173. Feel free to share this good news with your blog readers. I hope you come back to visit our non-gossip blog whenever you have time or inclination...
Marcus - I had no clue that this process was going to explode when I started the list in Sep 2007. As such, I started it using a Word document with no hyperlinks. I'm currently looking to move the information over to an Excel spreadsheet that would allow us to include URLs. If you ... or other villagers ... have other suggestions ... please share!!
Angella - I've corrected the blog's name to Repping Beantown as per your request...
Atlien - Thanx for reaching out. We're only able to regularly monitor the top 200. The other 1,000 are updated on an ad hoc basis ... usually when we're reminded to do so. You won't have to sweat that any longer as Straight From the A is now BBR #129. Have you thought about attending the Blogging While Brown conference later this year in Atlanta?
Hey Villager...Thanks for the update! I won't be able to do the full conference this year due to other committments, but I will definitely check in periodically that weekend.
(And I mention this not out of a desire to be ranked higher but just as point of fact...)
I understand your rankings are heavily reliant upon the technorati numbers, but Technorati has never been a proportional relationship in regards to technorati number and traffic.
Some blogs (including mine) don't necessarily lend themselves to technorati linkage (depending on page placement and overall blog content) yet enjoy considerable traffic. I'll just use my numbers for an example.
My monthly uniques run anywhere from 6-10,000 but my technorati always hovers between 40 and 50. Not only that, my feedreader views through syndication and the like (numbers not counted by technorati and are not "hits" on the actual blogsite are on average 2000+ daily.
So is it really accurate to say that there are some 450 "more powerful Black blogs in terms of readership?"
Respectfully and humbly I would say, not likely...
My only suggestion would be to consider broadening the criteria for determining the list (there are sites such as quantcast.com or alexa.com that can be also used to better assess strength of readership). It's a great idea, but just like the BCS college football poll, a little tweaking is acceptable.
"The Mo'Kelly Report"
Mo'Kelly - Your points are well-taken. There are a number of folks looking to tweak the process including Prometheus, Open Entrance and Black Perspective. Your two suggested metrics will be added to the mix as we look to take this process to the next level. As you know, it is a manual process at the moment for me to update the 1200+ Black blogs currently on the BBR. It has grown much larger than I initially envisioned.
For what it's worth ... Your blog is currently BBR #244...
I appreciate the response. Please know I also appreciate what you do in shining a light on Black Bloggers. It's nice and necessary at the same time.
There are a lot of talented people doing considerable work; mostly out of the goodness of their own hearts (including you).
Mo'Kelly - Best way to help is to share information about the BBR with your blog readers ... and any link-love in your blogroll would also be well-received ...
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