Mason officers Fry and McCormick, who stopped at the station for drinks just after 11 p.m., say Boucher started harassing the store clerk. She asked officers for help after he allegedly made several profane sexual requests. She told officers Boucher made the same advances Saturday night.
The patrol officers, Daniel Fry and Sean McCormick, ordered Boucher outside.
Once outside, police said, he became combative. When they tried to handcuff Boucher, officers said he wrestled away, hitting Fry over the head with his cuffed hand and chasing after the station attendant. Fry was treated and released for his injury.
After one unsuccessful try, McCormick stunned Boucher with his gun. He hit the pavement "hard" and stopped breathing.
Officers performed CPR before a Mason EMS squad rushed him to West Chester Medical Center. Emergency crews were unable to revive him.
Butler County Coroner Richard Burkhardt said the autopsy has not been completed. He did not issue a preliminary cause of death.
Both Fry and McCormick have been placed on paid administrative leave. They’ve been with the department three years.
The department has no plans to change its Taser policy, and the Mason police chief says that it does not appear McCormick violated department rules. Mason officers, who all have carried X26 Tasers since Spring 2007, have never had any problems or deaths after using the devices, officials said.
Boucher was a musician who played bass for a couple of local bands includ

"I don’t even know what happened yet,” said Ernest Boucher, 68. "I know what they say, but I don’t know what happened."Douglas Boucher has an 8-year-old daughter, Kathryn, who lives in Mason with his former wife and her husband. The couple gently broke the news of her father’s death to the girl on Monday morning.
"Our daughter was his light and inspiration and they enjoyed their visits tremendously. Today is a sad day for her," said Sheryl Olszewski, Boucher’s former wife. He was a very passionate person – passionate about his daughter, his music and living life fully," she said.Boucher’s ex-wife did not address the incident at the gas station but did add: "I know of no drug abuse."
Villagers, this time is different. Mr. Boucher was not a criminal. He was not on drugs. He was not in an excited state of delirium. He was just a bloke who made an inappropriate pass at the wrong time and in the wrong place. The penalty for inappropriate sexual comments (WORDS) should never be death.
Something is horribly wrong with the way that tasers are being used around the nation. Too many people are dying.
What say u?
To the bleeding heart Liberal who wrote this opinion...fuck off!
@Gregg - do you truly think that this man should be dead today? Did he do anything that justified death?
I knew Doug and he was a nice guy. I never knew him to use drugs nor to drink to excess. I also never knew him to be violent. I believe he may have made a pass at a store clerk, but the rest of the story does not fit.
A billboard in Mason should be rented and show the faces of these homicidal police officers.
@Concerned - Thank you for your personal observation of Mr. Boucher. Our prayers are with his family at this point.
@Brent - I feel ya'. In most cases the police officer(s) that are involved in these taser-related deaths are not named. I give Mason Police Department credit for announcing the name of the officers in this case...
I have known Dougie for a long time. He was a great friend, a musical monster, and an amazing father. There is no way that he should be dead because of an altercation with a store clerk. I still do not know the whole story, but, knowing him, I am sure that his comments were not enough to kill him over. What kind of country are we turning into when Police can kill someone over words? He will be missed dearly.
Hartolinski - I appreciate you taking time to share your comment. It seems like a senseless death to me. Police officers seem to pull out their taser guns more for convenience than for a true life-threatening situation. I guess that we are all waiting now to see what the Warren County coroner says is the 'cause of death'...
Mr Boucher was kind enough to lend his musicianship to our first album and although we never met, I feel a light has been cruelly snuffed out by a draconian police force with little restraint. My thought are with his family and friends. I only found out this evening and am profoundly shocked,
Sleep well Big Yin,
Sean Urquhart,
The Lunacy Board
This sounds wholly wrong to me.
I knew Doug, I spent two months of my life working with him on a musical project. I only knew him as a big-hearted, somewhat eccentric, character; the sort of guy who would light up any room the moment he walked into it.
I learned of his death through a mutual friend, but have only recently learned the full details through another.
I am totally shocked and upset to learn that Doug died in this obviously unjust way.
I will be talking to my friends to see if we feel there may be a case to bring against these two officers who, in my opinion, used unnecessary force and brought about Doug's death.
Maybe they didn't mean to kill him, but as another respondant has said, maybe it's time for a review of a law which, although designed as a means of control, has in this case (and possibly others) resulted in the situation ending in tragic circumstances.
A lovely man, he will be sorely missed by all.
Of that we are all sure.
Psychonaught & Millsy2010 - Thank you for sharing your insights about Mr. Boucher. I live in Mason OH and pass by the gas station where he was killed on a regular basis. I think it is sad that a man is no longer with us when he didn't commit any crime. Flirting with the gas station attendant should never be punishable by death.
Stay tuned
to the vilager guy, he wasnt "flirting" with ME. he was screaming at me to suck his dick and he also CHASED ME ALL THE WAY DOWN THE SIDE WALK. they pretty much saved me.
he wasnt "flirting" he was screaming "you want to suck my dick dont you" ....thats NOT flirting. you shouldnt comment on things when u werent even there.
Tina - First, I'm very sorry for the experience that you went through. No woman should be subjected to abuse ... verbal or physical. Especially when they are just doing their job.
That said, I also believe that a person ... even a jerk who is rude to a store clerk ... doesn't deserve to be electrocuted to death by the police.
Can't both of those things be true?
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