Hillary Clinton touts her experience. Halfway around the world Russia is holding a presidential election on Sunday. Clinton was asked about Russia's presidential elections to pick a successor to
Vladimir Putin.
The debate moderator wanted to know what Clinton could tell the world about this new president. In her response Clinton worked in how he'd been hand-picked by Putin, how Russia's political opposition has been suppressed and how she'd been critical of the Bush administration on a wide variety of issues regarding Russia.
Then, the moderator asked: "
Who will it be? Do you know his name?"Villagers, quite honestly, I don't have a clue who the favorite is to win the Russian presidency this coming weekend. But then I'm not running for president telling the world that I'll be
ready on Day One. Clinton had the spotlight. And she blew it. She said, "
Meh, uhm, Me-ned-vadah -- whatever."
The moderator then turned to Obama, "
Do you know anything about him?"Obama looked genuinely pleased not to have gotten the Russian name question. He smoothly answered, "
Well, I think Senator Clinton speaks accurately about him..." and continued to also criticize the Bush administration."
Game... Set... Match!
Clinton is no more ready for Day One than any other human being can be for the most difficult job in the world. For those
Villagers who are keeping track --> the heavy favorite Putin-puppet being elected on Sunday as the new president of Russia is
Dmitry Medvedev.
What observations did you have from the debate in Ohio between Obama and Clinton?