February 18, 2008

Manic Monday: 2

This week's Manic Monday meme is focused on the number '2'. For a moment I thought that the #2 car of NASCAR driver Kurt Busch was going to win the Daytona 500 last night. However, he came in #2, losing to his teammate, Ryan Newman.

I have 2 beautiful daughters; 2 understanding former wives; and 2 remarkable sisters. One of my sisters wrote 2 books. One of her books is being recognized during Black History Month in celebration of children's literature. Her other book is the definitive academic resource for the study of African American quilts and quilters.

Each political party seeks to select a nominee from the 2 candidates still standing on each side. One of these remaining candidates will become the 2nd person to serve as President of the United States in the 21st century in less than a year.

2 people born on this date are Toni Morrison (1931) and Dr. Dre (1965). 2 people who passed away on this date are Dale Earnhardt, Sr. (2001) and Michaelangelo (1564).

Quite frankly, I don't know where else to go with this 2 idea. Did I inspire any ideas or thoughts on your end. How would you have blogged about the number '2'?


Anonymous said...

I dont actually spend too much time about politics because most of the time, it makes me feel bad. But I love the fact that you're spending time to open other's thought about it.

Just drop by to say hello to you. And as usual, amazed by how you deliver the information. Way to go Villager

Janna said...

Thanks for doing Manic Monday, and thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Today is the anniversary of Michaelangelo's death? Really? Wow.
This reminds me of an art class I took in college, which reminds me of all sorts of other things that happened in college.

Thank you for the trip down memory lane. :)

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Has it been that long since Dale Earnhardt died? It can't be.

Ingrid said...

I found "two" (to, too, toe) also quite difficult !

Deidra said...

Two is a hard number lol. But if you want to know how 2 is significant to me I can tell you I'm a twin! I have a twin brother and thank God I'm nothing like him - kinda lol :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you always have such interesting facts here villager! thanks...

smiles, bee

maryt/theteach said...

Villager, you see how I blogged about 2: $2. dollar bills. You found all the twos that I could think of! :)

Unknown said...

Villager, you never cease to amaze. My twos: I have 2 handsome young sons, I call 2 countries home (U.S. & Jamaica), I have had two loves a former boyfriend and my husband and I have two passions: mystery writing and politics. I guess that about sums it up.

Durward Discussion said...

You did a great job with the number 2. Thank you for dropping by for my two for the road post. I hope you went down a bit to see the post that mentioned Marian Anderson with a you tube clip.

Anonymous said...

I think you did pretty good - no struggle! Thanks for stopping by and happy MM!

Unknown said...

Janet - Playing with fire on the two loves, aren't we? (smile)...

frizzyeatworld said...

My 2 ended up to be sort of a footnote, but I like it anyway. Your twos were AWESOME, are you kiddin? ;)

Happy MM, you.

Mz.Bria2U said...

i've come to see the Wizard...I mean Villager, lol-never did Manic Monday Meme b4...will attempt to implement it next wk. I appreciated your interview with Vanessa...great job!

Ur hard work is soooo appreciated and I'm sorry for the ignorance u encountered when u shared tips on how to make a beter blog.

U know how h8rs are! smh

TopChamp said...

well I would not have known you were struggling - this is interesting!

Linda said...

I think you did a marvelous job with the number 2 in all ways!

Have a marvelous Monday!

Sandee said...

This is a great take on 2. I enjoyed this very much. I just tried to do something silly as every pretty much expects that of me. Have a great MM. :)

Travis Cody said...

A wealth of different Two things today. Nicely done.

Happy MM!

Mariposa said...

I'm a fan of Toni Morrison but her birthday slipped my mind...thanks!

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

You may have struggled with this but I think you did an excellent job!

Happy MM.

*thinks to self* why don't I get by here more often???

Marilyn said...

You did a great job with the number. I wonder what the political landscape will look like two years from now.

Marvalus said...

Hmm...that number two is hard...

I don't know how I would approach that one...

But you did an excellent job!

Mz.Bria2U said...

Villager, question:
I'll be starting a new blog in a couple of days (off of blogger) is there way I can transfer the statistics, technorati authority etc (that u use to determine my ranking) from YBR to my new blog?

Thanks :)

Mz.Bria2U said...

p.s. I don't know if this'll help, but when my new site is up and running, when they go to U better Recognize, they'll be auto direct'd to the new site.


Unknown said...

Bria - Unfortunately, Technorati will consider your new URL a new blog ... and you'll be starting from scratch. But, that's OK if you're going to your own URL on the new blog. Is that the case?

peace, Villager

Mz.Bria2U said...

@Villager, yes that's the case-I'll have my own url.
doggone it...that's the drawback of starting over...smh well i'll keep blogger too then cuz I do not want to lose my authority. I answered your ?? regarding Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Yes very inspiring but very surprised about having 2 former wives. (lol)