It turns out that I'm living a few miles away from a racist guy in Fairfield (Ohio) who decided that it would be a wonderful sight for children on Halloween night to see an effigy of Barack Obama hanging from his tree.
Mike Lunsford is the racist fool who decided to hang this display at his home over on Symmes and Hicks Road in Fairfield.
A local reporter spoke with Mr. Lunsford. He isn't shy about what the make-shift ghost, hanging from a noose above the 'McCain-Palin' sign. A Barack Obama sign attached upside down. Obama's middle name: "Hussein" spray painted and misspelled.
Lunsford says he believes Barack Obama is not a "full blooded American." And he says

Villagers, do we not remember what it means for the spectre of lynching to be raised? Can we afford to fan these flames of racial hatred in the 21st century?
When will we learn?
Speechless . . . just no comment!
AAW - We live in a strange and dangerous world...
For those of us who pray, we need to continue to be vigilant. We are going to witness hearts being changed. The other day it was Mr. Buckley. Now check out this link from a self-procaimed former right wing voter. I found this to be a beautiful tribute to the man, Obama. It was entitiled "The Obama Presidency"
The times, they WILL a-change!
Seems to me this qualifies as an act of domestic terrorism against a public official. Where is the Secret Service?
The hate coming out of Ohio is incredibly scary. These people are not Americans in my book. The hate and mob mentality is appalling.
I have relatives in Ohio and they don't realize that the rest of the country is seeing this and that it reflects very poorly on Ohioans.
Iya - Prayer is always a powerful support in perilous times. We have 17 days until the election. I think we need to help prayer with our own hard work as well over these next couple of weeks. As you say ... Change is coming!
KIT - I will be interested to see how this story plays out. Secret service, the town's city leaders, the man's employer, and all of his neighbors need to step up & be counted as well.
Charcoal Moon - Evil thrives when good people do nothing. Hopefully, the good people of Ohio will let their voices be heard to this gentleman in Fairfield OH ... but, more importantly, I hope that Ohio lets the world see how they stand by voting for Obama-Biden on Nov 4th. The best revenge is massive success!
Charcoal Moon,
You don't have this hate because it Ohio, its because its America.OT, I think that Sen.Obama will win because of "Joe the Plumber".You see a "poor" plumber in Ohio makes only $250,000.00 a year.Whites in Ohio were pissed.That was on poor a** dog whistle.
This is the sort of action that breeds violence. As soon as Obama was selected I hoped for the best an expected the worst.
villager: When I saw the uniformed photo of Conneticutman1, I thought about my relatives and neighbors who have served this country, including those who bled and died for it in Vietnam. I thought about white politicians I've voted for (a few of them over black candidates)...If I can vote for the most qualified candidate for 30 years, whites should be able to do the same.
as much as you disagree with him, he has the right to show his views, no matter how bad you may think they are, also, it shameful that you would publish his real name for all to see on the internet. go live your own lives.
Hopefully, every adult with whom we come in contact has been confirmed as registered to vote...especially those in our own families. I voted almost two weeks ago. I have a permanent absentee ballot.
Connecticut Man - I take it that the avatar is you in uniform. If so, please accept my appreciation for the service that you gave to our nation.
re: Obama and this election. I continue to hope for the best. This is a truly historic moment. I'm hopeful that our nation can step up to the moment in a positive and uplifting manner. My hope is that people like Mike Lunsford will be marginalized.
MacDaddy - From your typing fingers to God's ears!
Toshiaki - Click on the link to his name and you'll find his address and phone number. He called it on himself by talking with that news reporter...
Iya - I'm going to 'early vote' in this coming week...
It has been a long time since we have had to deal with the in your face racism that exists in this nation.
Our children and grand babies need to know this America too...the one that our elders did battle with so we could progress.
It is not going to lighten up. John and Sarah have made it okay to be openly ignorant. And it is probably going to be real ugly afterwards if Barack wins.
We are going to have to keep on pushing. There is no turning back. That is what they want us to do. Because they still believe that we are fearful of their mythical ethnic power.
We are O-State folks. This is a battleground and it there is going to be political bloodshed here. We know that the GOP is fighting like hell to keep a hold on this state.
We are going to have to handle our business. Stay prayerful and keep moving our folks to the polls.
Healing is one of the most painful processes in life.
Before it is completed there are many stages that occur. This nation has never really attempted to heal over itself no matter what the reason was for the injury.
Hopefully after all is said and done, Obama will stand before this nation as our President. And then we will need to be prepared to have his back over the course of his time in office.
May God have mercy on this nation. And may we be blessed with the strength to endure this race until it ends.
Lady D - You laid it out better than I've seen it done. Thank you for sharing your analysis and prescription for the 'in your face' racism of this jerk and others...
so I don't need to feel so guilty about my NeoCon Haunted House with VampireCheney and WitchPalin and FrankenMcCain and ZombieBush?
All us inclusive liberal Americans absolutely hate those hateful conservatives. Conservatism will be crime in our upcoming liberal society.
KellySirkus - Methinks that your NeoCon Haunted House is safe this year...
Patrick Henry - To be honest, I don't have problems with some aspects of conservatism. For example, I wouldn't mind a government that operates on a balanced budget...
But you don't mind the full Sarah Palin doll being hung in LA?
Shame on you!
Webmaster - I think that it is inappropriate to hang Sarah Palin in effigy in the front yard as well.
The politics of fear and division is something we need to put behind us.
There is ever anything funny to a Black man about nooses or lynching ... even if the object is a Palin effigy. Not funny. Not acceptable.
peace, Villager
Yesterday news broke of an Obama supporter's Halloween display in Los Angeles that shows a mannequin dressed as Sarah Palin hanging from a noose. Do you disagree with this just as strongly? I can only imagine the outrage if it were an Obama mannequin- or his wife.
Tell me how this is different. If you say hanging is a symbol of a racist lynching, I could just as easily say it's also degrading to horse thieves. Would any of you dare attempt to justify this latest display of stupidity?
Oleheat - As I told Webmaster, it is not funny or in good taste to use a noose to simulate a lynching. It doesn't matter if the person being lynched is Sarah Palin effigy or Barack Obama effigy. We are a better nation than that...
Patrick Henry - You define "all inclusive" a little differently than the rest of the world. I don't understand how people who think its ok for anyone in this country to say or do anything they want (especially if it is called art) feel its ok to shut up and shut down speech that does not agree with their views. Liberalism is not all inclusive - it is narrow minded and not open to different points of view.
IS there any "Outrage" for the Palin effigy? Of course not because it does not further the victim mentality.. *sigh*
Look for more of this type of thing in the coming years... Realize that there has been a VERY transparent government compared to what Obama will bring. Look for critics to be silenced and look at kenya for where we are headed..
It is not a COLOR thing, it is a SOCIALIST/Dictator thing... I vote for Palin via McCain... We need new blood in DC the ones including the the OTHER 3 are all old school.. real change comes in skirt. BUT SHE's NOT BLACK!!! I know oh well.
If a black dummy, Barack Obama, was lynched for Halloween,
cries of racism would be dominating the mainstream media!!!
Bushwack - I've seen the Palin effigy covered in the news. Earlier today I saw that counter-protesters were holding up sheets to keep the effigy from being seen by drive-by gawkers. Here in my earlier comments I noted that using an effigy in a lynching-like manner is despicable regardless of the person being caricatured.
I'm not certain how you got Kenya into a post about Ohio effigy ... but, if that is your fear ... I'm sorry for you. I survived 8 years of Ronald Reagan and 8 years of GWB. You'll make it through 8 years (God willing) of an Obama administration...
Howard - I agree. As well they should...
If the guy actually said what he said about only a white Christian should run the country then that is wrong. But for the rest of you that do not keep up with the rest of the news and politics then I am sorry. I can only believe that this was in protest to the Palin hanging and McCain chimney burning that was done in West Hollywood where nobody cared. I knew this would happen that someone would put Obama hanging in protest of Palin and it would all of a sudden become racist. Both sides are wrong but you cannot crucify one side saying they are racist when the so called "anti-racists" are the ones that hung a American first. Just please look online and look up Palin effigy and you will see that these people started it. I will say I am a republican and I am disgusted on both sides. I just hope that we can come together and stop this hating that this election is bringing to our wonderful country. PLEASE BE PROUD TO BE AMERICAN CAUSE IT IS ALL WE HAVE ANYMORE
Jason - We agree that the statements by Mike Lunsford were wrong-headed and did not contribute to the coming together of our nation.
For what it's worth the effigy binge began a couple of months ago at a small college in Oregon; next it showed up in Ohio; then the Palin effigy in Los Angeles (which I agree is reprehensible); now it occurred again yesterday at the University of Kentucky.
It's wrong in every case and should be condemned by all Americans...
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