City Councilman Gary Frago, who sent a series of racist e-mails to city staff and others in late 2008 and early 2009, resigned his position as mayor pro tem and said he has begun sensitivity training in the Bay Area.
"I will be stepping down immediately from my position as mayor pro tem," said Frago in a prepared statement that also called for "the healing to begin."
Villager's Voice: I want Frago to resign from the city council. The local newspaper received 200 new e-mails from Frago and he still doesn't display the temperment or commonsense to stay in a position of public trust. These new emails talk about assassination of President Barack Obama and the mass killing of Latinos. Ain't it time for this jerk to do the right thing and resign?
Hotep Villager,
Frago better watch how he steps off. He may find that in the 21st Century his name may end up on a hit list.
He is a home grown American racist. There's no doubt about that in my mind. He's also a punk a** because he isn't man enough to stand by his convictions. Sensitivity training isn't going to uproot what he believes in. It will produce a certificate that indicates he attended the class. A mind is the hardest thing to change. He is who he is. This is a matter of fact.
I haven't seen the people of the community stand up and demand he resign. This says a whole lot about their mentality as well.
Sensitivity training? Oh okay. He really has lost his mind if he thinks he doesn't need to resign from the city council.
Los Angelesita - I suspect that the taxpayers of Atwater CA are paying for his tuition and travel to attend the sensitivity training for this racist jerk. I hope that they get the cajones to have him recalled from his city council position if he doesn't voluntarily resign from it.
Lady D - I don't advocate a hit list for punks like this one. I think that public pressure can and will do the trick. The local media continues to report on efforts to have Frago removed from his city council seat. It seems that the citizens may need to initiate a recall campaign.
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