It has been awhile since we've updated the Villager's Black Blog Rankings (BBR). I used to update the BBR on a daily basis. However, now I find that weeks go by without me updating it. I took a few hours today to update the rankings as a result of friendly reminders on Twitter.
There are three things that you should understand about this month's BBR.
First, it was impossible to personally review the Technorati Authority score for all 1,766 blogs on this list. If you see that your score is either not updated ... or not included ... please use the COMMENTS (or 'VILLAGE VOICES') option at the conclusion of this post to let me know. I'll make the correction as quickly as possible.
Second, it is obvious that Technorati Authority scores are falling dramatically. Evidently, fewer blogs are linking with one another. Many folks are getting content through Twitter / Facebook / GoogleReader / FriendFeed and such. I would be interested in other thoughts on the falling Technorati Authority scores?
Third, I noticed that a number of blogs are not updated by Technorati for one reason or another. I decided that any blog that has not been updated in the past 120 days would be moved to the bottom of the list. I encourage those blog owners to ensure that they 'ping' their blog with Technorati in order to be placed back in order with the other blogs.
With no further ado, here is the August 2009 Black Blog Rankings (BBR) with 1,766 Black-owned and operated blogs ... up 62 from the last published BBR.
Second, it is obvious that Technorati Authority scores are falling dramatically. Evidently, fewer blogs are linking with one another. Many folks are getting content through Twitter / Facebook / GoogleReader / FriendFeed and such. I would be interested in other thoughts on the falling Technorati Authority scores?
Third, I noticed that a number of blogs are not updated by Technorati for one reason or another. I decided that any blog that has not been updated in the past 120 days would be moved to the bottom of the list. I encourage those blog owners to ensure that they 'ping' their blog with Technorati in order to be placed back in order with the other blogs.
With no further ado, here is the August 2009 Black Blog Rankings (BBR) with 1,766 Black-owned and operated blogs ... up 62 from the last published BBR.
We welcome one new blog, Living Life Abundantly (BBR #10) to the Top 10 this month. At the same time, we see that another blog, This is SOHH (BBR #1759) dropped out of the Top 10.
We recognize that not every Black-owned & operated blog is on our current list! Please let me know if you see a blog that should be added to the BBR.
The Top Ten Black Blogs for August 2009:
We recognize that not every Black-owned & operated blog is on our current list! Please let me know if you see a blog that should be added to the BBR.
The Top Ten Black Blogs for August 2009:
- Pam Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 619 / Rank: 1,448) - [Politics] Pam's blog continues in the BBR #1 for the 14th month
in a row. Pam is a leading voice in the LGBT community as evidenced by her recent Huffington Post commentary. It is worth noting that this blog lost almost 300 TechAuthority points, however, it leapt over 400 blogs in that same timeframe ... only 1,448 blogs stand between Pam's House Blend and the #1 blog in the world (Huffington's Post).
- Ahsmi Rawlins: Nah Right (Authority: 555 / Rank: 1,789) - [Entertainment] Ashmi (a.k.a., ESKAY) is the top-ranked gossip or entertainment blog on our list. In fact, Vibe.com recently named Nah Right as the 'The Best Rap Blog'. ESKAY informed me that his company is based on S. St. Andrews Place in Brooklyn. I let him know that I was born and raised on S. St. Andrews Place in Los Angeles. This unique coincidence is enough to make Nah Right one of my favorite entertainment blogs.
- The Bossip: Bossip.com (Authority: 408 / Rank: 3,415) - [Entertainment] Moguldom Media Group, which owns Bossip, is run by a powerful sister named Marve Frazier.
- Oliver Willis: Oliver Willis (Authority: 281 / Rank: 5,864) - [Politics] Oliver is a Washington Redskins fan who is destined for another disappointing football season ... but, he continues to maintain a strong blog. In fact, this is the highest ranking for the Oliver Willis blog since we began tracking this stuff a couple of years ago.
- Wayne Bennett: The Field Negro (Authority: 278 / Rank: 5,868)
- [Social Commentary] Wayne is a consistent blogger with a powerful voice. He gets more comments on his blogs than any other non-entertainment blogger. He has great rapport with his blogging community ... which is why this blog is rated higher than ever before this month. is my favorite blogger, although I must admit that RiPPa is making a run for that title.
- Renee Martin: Womanist Musings (Authority: 270 / Rank: 6,154) - [Social Commentary] All villagers owe Renee a debt of gratitude. It was her Twitter message today that pushed me into action. I wonder if she knew that her Womanist Manifesto would result in the highest BBR ever for her blog? This Canadian sista speaks her truth as an anti-racist woman of color. This blog was BBR #143 at this time last year.
- Angel Laws: Concrete Loop (Authority: 269 / Rank: 6,188) - [Entertainment] Angel Laws is the twenty-something sister who owns and operates this popular entertainment blog. Her blogging history and her candor about blogging income made her all the buzz at the 2009 Blogging While Brown Conference held earlier this summer. Concrete Loop is also a popular destination on MySpace.
- Baratunde Thurston and Cheryl Contee: Jack and Jill Politics (Authority: 249 / Rank: 6,951) - [Politics] Baratunde and Cheryl have had a very interesting month. Baratunde ("Jack") provides his political commentary quite often on various cable television networks. Cheryl ("Jill") has been engaged in a very high profile dialogue with National NAACP chairman Julian Bond (or his ghostwriters) on a wide variety of issues. You can also find this blog on Facebook. Does anyone know the backstory on the half-eaten watermelon that serves as their logo?
- Natasha Eubanks: Young, Black & Fabulous (Authority: 249 / Rank: 6,951) - [Entertainment] Natasha Eubanks is another twenty-something blogging genius. She was called a blogger to watch by Newsweek. She also has a popular site on MySpace.
- Marenda Taylor: Living Life Abundantly (Authority: 183 / Rank: 10,984) - [Social
Commentary] We welcome Marenda back to the BBR Top Ten this month. She wrote, "I started this blog with the intentions of expressing my thoughts, provoking thought, bridging gaps, and sparking conversation. The agenda is to entertain, educate, and empower. The goal is to inspire, encourage, and uplift. The mission is to Live Life Abundantly and to share the lifestyle with as many people as possible." This blog was BBR #108 in Aug 2008.
HONORABLE MENTION (11-25): Necole Bitchie, Sandra Rose, Aloha Nico, RaceWire, Booker Rising, The Black Snob, Rod 2.0: Beta, La Shawn Barber's Corner, The Black Sphere, RealTalkNY Brought to You by Nigel D., The Daily Voice, Crunk & Disorderly, African Path and TransGriot.
This ranking is open to any blogger of African descent who owns/operates a blog. Villager's Black Blog Rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority figure includes a number of factors including the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the one listed and The Huffington Post, which is the #1 overall blog in the universe.
We are adding hyperlinks to the Word version of the Villager's Black Blog Rankings. Leave a COMMENT using the VILLAGE VOICE link below if you want a copy of the Word version. In the meantime, I encourage you to share some link-love with this post so that your blog readers know about us!
Any feedback on this month's BBR that you care to share?
Hotep Villager,
I have not checked technorati in awhile. The past couple of times that I have been on the site, I've had to ping my blogsites.
You raise a point that we really haven't discussed in depth-the impact that twitter and facebook is having on the blogging community. These two social media sites have changed the game once again. I think that they both offer a great way to have direct connections with other bloggers and non-bloggers as well. Technorati allows users to see who is linking to their blogs. But, it does not provide a way for direct and daily communication among people.
I am so glad that I am on God's top 10 blog list. LOL
Congrats to everyone on this list. Good to see Marenda, my friend on a number of social networks, right in there.
Clement - Your blog is now BBR #554...
Lady D - You are still doing well with Technorati ... your blog is currently BBR #77. I imagine that the BBR is not going to be around this time next year with all of the changes that you mention in your comment...
Attorney Mom - AMEN!
I don't think the authority numbers in technorati are accurate. For the longest, my number has been ten; however, I do know more than ten sites have linked to my site.
But thanks for adding me to the list, and thank you for spending so much time putting this together. Let me know how I might be of help.
Max Reddick - the best repayment is to simply share link for this blog post so that your blog readers are aware we are tracking Black blogs.
I don't know what to say about your Technorati ranking. One key thing is to ensure that your automated 'ping' option is working. You post often ... the 'ping' by technorati should be as timely as your blog posts.
Anyhow, I've corrected the BBR to reflect your blog's new BBR #808...
I'd love to see Battle Scars and Exit Wounds on the list, altho I'm pretty sure it would be holding up the bottom somewhere. LOL
I think you're using my old url for this list. I'm going to beef up my technorati game and remedy it ;)
Her Side - My first time visiting your blog. Quite intersting. Anyhow, we've added your blog to the list. You are now BBR #1724...
Thembi - What is the URL that I should be using for you?
I can finally say it. TransGriot is a BBR Top 25 blog!
Break out the Champale!
Many thanks again for the notice, Villager. It's still amazing that PHB ranks this high given there are so many good blogs out there deserving of the hit count. I have to agree with msladydeborah re: Facebook and Twitter -- it is driving a great deal of traffic to blogs. I've noticed a leap in readership from my FB links, but there's no good way to measure it. I sometimes have more comments on a FB link than on the related blog post!
Monica and Pam - I'm proud of you both! Keep doin' what you do and I'll try to keep tracking Black blogs...
I'm not sure why my technorati score keeps dropping b/c I'm linked to other sources now more than ever. Still - it's great to have such a list.
Michael - I think that most Black blogs were impacted by dropping Technorati rankings. I've decided that I need to focus some energy on creating content that is worthy of being linked...
peace, Wayne
It's a nice touch that you answer comments.
did I read my rank correctly, number 58? When did that happen? I've been so busy writing my dissertation that I didn't realize it jumped up to the top 100.
Do you know about my blog... MadProfessah.com about Black and LGBT politics in greater Los Angeles
This is my first visit to your site. I learned about you from Max Reddick. Could you please include my site in your list. I am not certain of the Technorati ranking as I have seen mentioned in other comments. Thank you so much :)
Erica - I don't get many comments (sigh) ... so I appreciate those of you willing to share your village voice. Thank you for noticing!
ToyaI've added your blog, 'Tales of a Literary Nobody' to the list. You are currently BBR #1353. Keep bloggin'!
Danielle - Your blog, Urban Science Adventures, moved into the BBR Top 100 this month for the first time. Congrats!
Mad Professah - I hadn't heard of your blog until today. I've added your blog, 'The Mad Professah Lectures', to the Black Blog Rankings. It is currently BBR #488...
To answer the question you asked on TransGriot, I've got a few things working for me.
I have a niche that not too many people can fill. I'm a transgender activist speaking about those issues and many others from an Afrocentric viewpoint.
I have peeps in the gay, transgender, feminist and womanist blogosphere increasingly reading my posts in addition to being blessed with some mad writing skillz ;)
I also participate in blog carnivals that expose my writing to people who may not have read it or previously stumbled across my blog.
It's one thing we don't do enough of in the Afrosphere. Renee used to have one for WOC bloggers that she gave up on because of lack of participation from other Black female bloggers.
While I'm proud I have loyal readers who are of various ethnic groups, I would like more of my own African descended peeps to check out what I have to say at TransGriot.
Thanks to those of you who do peruse my blog and are even moved to comment from time to time.
Monica - I wish that I had time to organize a 'blog carnival'. I participated in carnivals twice and found them very helpful in sharing my blogs with a different set of eyeballs. I'm sorry that the WOC carnival ended...
Anyhow, congratulations on your the continued growth of your blog over the past year. It has been amazing to watch...
carnivals are great. I love them. When I'm done dissertating, I'll get back to participating in them and get the Diversity in Science Carnival back on the road.
im interested in being added to the list....@maxreddick referred me ...my url is : http://basikent.blogspot.com
ElHafiz78 - Your blog, 'Basik Entertainment Presents: The Notebook', is now BBR #1732...
im interested in being added to the list....@maxreddick referred me ...my url is www.bluesodacake.wordpress.com
Hey Villager thanks so much for doing the BBR's for the month. I know that it takes a significant amount of time but I like to believe that it helps you to deal with your 24 withdrawal. Speaking of 24 this might be the last season. You can commence shaking now. LOL
The BBR's let me know how I am doing and I appreciate knowing that so many have take an interest in my little ramblings. It is incredible to me how quickly my blog has jumped through the ranks in just a year and a half. Look at Field Negro I am sniffing at your heels....
Thank you so much :)
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