Police say 20-year-old Megan Williams of Charleston, West Virginia was held captive in a chamber of horrors while six white perpetrators physically assaulted, raped and tortured her for five days.
"We received a tip that a subject was being held against their will at Big Creek," said Logan County Deputy Jeffrey Robinette.
Deputy Robinette testified during a preliminary hearing that when he arrived at the residence to investigate the "tip," he saw Frankie Brewster another defendant and the owner of the house on the porch. When he questioned her, she stated that she was the only person in the house. It was at that time, Deputy Robinette stated during testimony that victim Megan Williams burst out of the doors with "her arms outstretched sayings ‘help me.’"
A bruised and battered Megan Williams appeared with swollen and blood-bruised eyes, lacerations around her neck and ankles, splotches in her head where her hair had been ripped out and multiple stab wounds on her left leg.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan sent a delegation consisting of Attorney A
bdul Arif Muhammad, editor-in-chief of The Final Call newspaper, Student in the Ministry Abdul Khadir Muhammad of Washington, D.C. and Final Call Contributing Writer Ashahed M. Muhammad to Charleston, West Virginia to determine the facts of the case, and also to minister unto the family of the young woman who was the victim of this heinous and barbaric attack.
The one-on-one interview with Megan Williams is chilling in its detail. Megan Williams is a young woman who experienced something that no human being should ever experience.
What are the lessons that each of us can learn from the crimes committed against her?
"We received a tip that a subject was being held against their will at Big Creek," said Logan County Deputy Jeffrey Robinette.
Deputy Robinette testified during a preliminary hearing that when he arrived at the residence to investigate the "tip," he saw Frankie Brewster another defendant and the owner of the house on the porch. When he questioned her, she stated that she was the only person in the house. It was at that time, Deputy Robinette stated during testimony that victim Megan Williams burst out of the doors with "her arms outstretched sayings ‘help me.’"
A bruised and battered Megan Williams appeared with swollen and blood-bruised eyes, lacerations around her neck and ankles, splotches in her head where her hair had been ripped out and multiple stab wounds on her left leg.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan sent a delegation consisting of Attorney A

The one-on-one interview with Megan Williams is chilling in its detail. Megan Williams is a young woman who experienced something that no human being should ever experience.
What are the lessons that each of us can learn from the crimes committed against her?
I wonder why there is so much hatred for blacks?I thought racism is a thing of the past,but alas NO!I guess they feel more threatened now than ever,we are learned,stronger,getting our names mentioned where it matters,but jokes aside,this need to stop.
Bola - Racism is a disease and it has not yet been eradicated. We have to continue to shine lights on the dark areas of our country where racism is allowed to flourish. What did you think of the interview of Megan Williams?
This is exactly why I cannot watch the news, it sickens my heart. I am a child abuse and incest survivor so I really do break down and can't handle all the horrible things that go on in the world because i cannot save these people.
I have learned nothing new from reading this article unfortunately. My brothers and I experienced racism as children for being considered white in a black neighborhood- I was beaten up several times by older kids and I was only 6, and for being 1/2 Mexican in a redneck white neighborhood when we were older.
What I know is that we need to teach our children to respect other humans no matter the color or creed. It's so unfortunate that more isn't done when stories like these are heard... unfortunately we have so many truly ignorant people in this country.
All I can do is continue to teach my children not just tolerance, which seems like such a persnickety word... but love and respect.
Thanks for posting this, I had not heard of this since i refuse to watch the news and read the news papers.
Mert - Thanx for the candor in your village voice. I hope you will come back and visit with us often. You are doing what all of us need to do ... focus first on raising good children. My prayers are with you and your family!
I could not stop shivering,thinking it could've been anyone,myself included.I hate violence.
@Mert,I think you're very right,the best thing to do is to impart good morals and values into our children.starting from our pets at home,a child that could hurt a pet he/she owns,can do much more to another human being within or outside his family circle.Lets love and respect one another as God's creation regardless of color/race.
Peace an Love.
Bola - Thanks for sharing your village voice with us. I agree with you that violence is abhorrent!
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