The drip-drip of information about Sarah Palin continues to come out. We now learn that the teenager expecting a baby with the 17-year-old daughter of the Republican vice-presidential candidate calls himself 'a f***ing redneck' on his MySpace page.
Levi Johnston, 17, a high-school hockey player, is engaged to Bristol Palin, whose pregnancy was revealed to the Republican party convention just days after her 44-year-old mother was picked as John McCain's running mate.
He is the high-school sweetheart of the Alaska governor's daughter and used his home page to admit having a girlfriend, but said: 'I don't want kids.' Obviously, that thought wasn't on the top of his mind in April when he and young Bristol were gettin' busy with each other.
Have you noticed that Sarah Palin hasn't done any interviews since her selection last week as McCain's running mate? I guess she is getting a crash couse on world georgraphy and the home mortgage crisis.
LOL! Great journalism, and I do mean that in the highest sense of the word.
Come to my page for a parody of Tupac's "Brenda's Got A Baby" with Bristol's name interchanged. :)
Zack - I actually feel sorry that Sarah Palin decided to put her family through this highly-publicized mess. Bristol is now the most famous unwed mother-to-be in the nation. Is that fair to her? or her young boyfriend?
I'm glad you covered this, because Baby Daddy and his MySpace page were on my radar for my own post today.
And since I have avoided politics with great fervor, you saved me the time. Now, I can just put a link to your post in my sidebar and blame you for making me talk politics again! LOL
Hawa, author of
Fackin Truth Blog (Personal Blog)
Cleanse Master Remix (Health Blog)
PS: Villager, isn't Brittany Spears sister glad to be off the teenage pregnancy hit-list with this new bombshell?
Hawa - You brought a smile to my face! I imagine that the Spears' sisters are both happy to have a kindred soul in the Republican Party. The speech from Palin tomorrow is going to be interesting to watch...
I was hoping he wasn't black...
RiPPa - Are there any brothers living up in Alaska?
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