UPDATE: STAY OF EXECUTION!! The U.S. Supreme Court has stayed Troy Davis' execution until Monday, September 29. You can read more here.
Troy Davis was scheduled to be executed by the state of Georgia on September 23, even though his serious claims of innocence have never been heard in court.
Troy Davis was convicted of murder solely on the basis of witness testimony, and seven of the nine non-police witnesses have since recanted or changed their testimony, several citing police coercion. Others have signed affidavits implicating one of the remaining two witnesses as the actual killer. But due to an increasingly restrictive appeals process, none of this new evidence has ever been heard in court.
On July 16, 2007, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles stayed Troy Davis’ execution, stating that it would “not allow an execution to proceed in this State unless and until its members are convinced that there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused". The failure of courts to hear the compelling evidence of innocence in this case means that massive doubts about Troy Davis’ guilt will remain unresolved.
does he deserve it? nobody knows but we can only wish to save his life. We should pray for him
Ester's Daily Thoughts
Ester's Money Journal
Ester's Recollections
Tey - Prayer is important. He may only have another couple of weeks to live if the minds of the politicians in Georgia aren't changed...
I sent the message by fax. Maybe we should all fax instead of email our petition.
Eddie - email, fax and pray...
Villager, AMEN to that! I wrote about Troy the other day and I'm so happy that the word is getting out. We can only pray that it's in time!
Sojourner - From your keyboard to God's ears. Hopefully, this young brother will be saved from execution in light of the new information and recanting witnesses...
My prayers for him.
(404) 651-8502
(404) 651-5282
(404) 463-6627
Chairperson L.Gale Buckner-- gale_buckner@pap.state.ga.us
Garland Hunt-- garland_hunt@pap.state.ga.us
Robert Keller-- robert_keller@pap.state.ga.us
Milton Nix-- milton_nix@pap.state.ga.us
Garfield Hammonds-- garfield_hammonds@pap.state.ga.us
The people who fight for liberation and for human rights saved Troy Davis' life last year. Let's work hard this week and save Troy Davis' life and restore his liberty this year. Your letters, when emailed and faxed to the Georgia State Board of Pardons & Paroles, will support a massive national rally against this planned execution. That rally will be in Atlanta on Thursday. The protests will carry over to the board's hearing on Friday, September 12, 2008. Please join us with your letters and other expressions of support.
Please continue the struggle!
From: http://www.slepton.com/slepton/viewcontent.pl?id=2095
Rethabile - Asante sana for sharing these contact numbers with us. Today is the day unless our actions and prayers are answered...
Thanks for making people aware of this case. I've been posting on this case since Saturday over at daddyBstrong.blogspot.com.
Here are the fax#s to the Georgia Board and Paroles:
All - Four hours left ... please send a prayer out for this young brother...
Hope? Perhaps?
I FOR ONE WILL DO MY PART TO BROADCAST TO BLACK AMERICA THE INJUSTICES BROUGHT UPON US IN THE NAME OF BLACK GENOCIDE AND THE JUDICIAL TYRANNY AND SUBJUGATION UNDER WHICH WE LIVE- 1 million blacks on DEATH ROW - Oligarchal subjugation and Eugenics/FBI_Co_Intel pro persecution of our leaders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNPwO-YXDLE&eurl=http://www.aaronjamesstory.com/LINKS.HTML... Yet we will overcome!!!
MARTIN LUTHER KING: "TO THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD! WE ARE NOT ABOUT TO TURN AROUND! We are on the MOVE NOW! Yes We're on the move and no wave of racism can stop us!! The burning of our churches will not deter us! The bombing of our homes will NOT dissuade us! The beating and killing of our clergymen and young people WILL NOT DIVERT US!-The Wanton release of their known murderers will not discourage us- We're ON THE MOVE NOW!!...Martin Luther King 1960's. OVERCOME!!
...doing my best to get the word out. People please empower yourself with the wisdom contained within the above URL - it is not only our plight ongoing (YES THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL MY FAMILY PRESENTLY AS WELL BUT B/C OF OUR WEBSITE-14 MURDER ATTEMPTS EXTRAJUDICIAL BEYOND THE LAW) but exemplary of the mechanisms being used doggedly and dogmatically to persecute our people. Learn them well such that we may overcome them!
"The problems of economic injustice and social injustice cannot be solved without a radical change and redistribution of social and economic power" Martin Luther King. WE must make the change as individuals.
Aaron James 204 296 6497
e: aaron@aaronjamesstory.com
The US Supreme Court has just ordered a stay of Execution for Davis! The efforts were not in vain.
It took the Supreme Court to stop another crime from happening.
I've got a post idea for you I've never seen here before: the black community and homosexuality. You could type a dissertation on that.
All - It is glorious to know that the Supreme Court intervened. The next deadline is 9/29/08 so we must stay vigilant...
Woozie - It isn't a topic that I feel comfortable talking about. My suggestion is that you check out Pam's House Blend (www.pamshouseblend.com) as she is the #1 Black blog for lesbian, gay and transgender issues in the world...
i would like to thank you personally for contributing to the awareness of troys case today by posting this... i am like you awaiting the supreme courts decision on hearing his case come monday... for once,, let true justice be served....
Thank you for sharing for I tried to spread the word on twitter but then people were challenging me on the issue saying they would have to think about the situation. It became too much for me to even try to explain anymore so I just prayed on it. Thank God a Stay of Execution was granted but it was like pulling teeth trying to get some people to sign the petition.
Paisley - Thank you for your kind words. We need to keep prayers and protest going at least thru 9/29/08 in anticipation of Supreme Court ruling...
SerentyLife - All we can do is spread the word ... and pray. Keep doin' what u do young sista!
Why so uncomfortable?
Hey there!!
Thank you for staying on top of this important case!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Woozie - I simply don't have any expertise,knowledge or wisdom on the subject.
Lisa - Understood...
You and I are gonna talk about this one day.
Woozie - I look forward to it! In the meantime, please feel free to share any links to blog posts about "Black community and homosexuality". I'll be happy to include the link in my next 'Blog Safari'...
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