I miss Keith. He is an Original Villager that supported us when we first started this blog last year. He had a great flow on his blog about Detroit. He hasn't been an active blogger for a number of months. My prayers are with him and his family. Anyhow, I miss him. I would be interested in what he would say about a blog entitled, Detroit Is Crap - News for White People.
I lived in Detroit for eight years. My parents were married in Detroit. My maternal grandparents lived in Detroit for their entire adult lives. So, perhaps this negative shot at a once-proud city hits home more than most. Young brother pointed it out to us. What message does this send when a young brother or sister sees this type of nonsense? Personally, I'm very disappointed to know that this type of bigotry still thrives in America. Actually, it is depressing.
How should we respond to this type of thing? Should we simply ignore it once it has been pointed out to us?
I lived in Detroit for eight years. My parents were married in Detroit. My maternal grandparents lived in Detroit for their entire adult lives. So, perhaps this negative shot at a once-proud city hits home more than most. Young brother pointed it out to us. What message does this send when a young brother or sister sees this type of nonsense? Personally, I'm very disappointed to know that this type of bigotry still thrives in America. Actually, it is depressing.
How should we respond to this type of thing? Should we simply ignore it once it has been pointed out to us?
That's a real shame because Detroit has played such an integral role in American history--music and auto industry, for example. There is so much bigotry in America today and it is a sad commentary that blacks are always confronted with these issues. This brings me to my position on an Obama win--he will be held to such a higher standard than, perhaps any other president in American history.
LOL u wild. but Pontiac is LOL
Thanks for linking to my blog.
First of all you're using the term bigot incorrectly. I am not intolerant of everyone's beliefs and opinions. Just those of blacks that have ruined Detroit.
You call me racist, yet you don't touch the complete and utter racism of former mayors like Coleman Young who as an out of the closet black nationalist.
It's not White People who have ruined Detroit...it's blacks. The minute anyone points out the truth people like you simply yell "BIGOT" and deflect the attention away from the REAL problem.
Wake the fuck up.
Janet - Yes, the bar is set high for Barack Obama. However, somebody has to be the first. Once he accomplishes whatever level of success he will accomplish it will make it that much easier for those that follow to be judged appropriately. Our country needs a leader that can bring us together in ways that George Bush was unable to do...
Torrance - Pontiac is a hard-hit community because of the loss of manufacturing and auto industry jobs. Very much a city that lost much when union-wage jobs were shipped overseas...
Detroiter - I don't quarrel with citizens having criticism of the current mayor or Mayor Coleman. I just wonder why you think it is effective to use the N-Word in talking about our (Black) community? Is that productive way to analyze the ills of your city? What is your desired outcome? Do you want Detroit to return to greatness?
I am in no way saying that if Obama wins and is held to a higher standard is flawed. The pressure will be great and while I don't doubt his ability--at least the little that I have seen--history will treat him, not as a person who bridges the racial divides and brings the country together, but on any unpopular policies and missteps that he may have. It is my hope that, should he get the nomination and beat John McCain, he will surround himself with the right team and not want people to be "yes men and women." The mess that George Bush created is going to be very hard to clean up and it will take the efforts of many people. I guess my point is my hope that Obama will not let this get to his head but to truly understand his position in the grand scheme of things and realize that he can effect a lot of meaningful change and should work towards those ideals. The moment something goes wrong, all hell will break loose and many will have unpleasant things to say, and there will commence the makings of his legacy.
Mr. Detroit, I think it is safe to say that we all want a good and safe neighborhood to live in. We all want the same things from life. No need to ignore the fact that there is bigotry in America, not only towards blacks but towards Latinos, Muslims, Indians, Asians, gays and lesbians. I could go on and on.
Lets be very clear. Using the terminology nigger to refer to black people is racist. I have seen your site, and its not a leap to say that you and the people who are calling people niggers left and right are racists too. If you visit my blog, you will find that I am quite critical of the Mayor and I'm critical of black people in Detroit for not calling him to account for his actions.
Secondly, if you really want to demonstrate that you are more than just a racist who's main objective is to denigrate black people, then you will apply some even handed analysis to the Detroit situation. Detroit's corporate leadership, the CEO's of the City's major corporations, OWN Kwame (DTE, GM, you name it). They could turn this issue, but they are not calling for his head. WHY? Because they are all busy making money on the deals for downtown and other things which Kwame is greasing the skids for. They have demonstrated that they are perfectly happy to have a lying thug for a Mayor in Detroit who runs the city into the ground and wastes the taxpayer's money as long as he makes sure they are getting paid. But I don't see you leveling any criticism at the white CEO's who are giving Kwame aid and comfort, the guys who BAILED OUT his re-election campaign at the 11th hour with hundreds of thousands of dollars. About them, you have nothing to say.
You can objectively criticize blacks in Detroit (or anywhere else for that matter) and be justified, but what you are doing is not that. You are labeling good people in a City with a disgusting racial slur and displaying the worst in the white community's character.
Its a free country. You and your visitors can get your jollies off on having a place where you can call black people nigger and engage in every type of racial labeling and stereotyping with people who think like you, cuz thats clearly what it is about. So knock yourself out. But don't come here or anywhere else and try to make anyone believe you are trying to expose the bad behavior of blacks or say something objective about whats happening in Detroit, because if that were true, you would not be calling black people niggers. You can criticize black people. There is lots to be critical of. But when your approach to that is to call us niggers, essentially branding us as something inferior and less than human (its the only reason to use that word, it has no other purpose other than to define us as something inferior), then you can't make any argument at all that you have any purpose other than to run down, denigrate and preach hatred of black people. You're not trying to convince us to do something different. By talking the way you are, you are only stirring up division and fear and hatred. There is no positive element to what your blog does. Condoleeza Rice would not feel comfortable around you or your racist visitors. Your blog and you are indeed racist, which by the way, makes you very ordinary, uninteresting and small.
In closing, I have more respect for a Klansman's approach than I do for yours, because at least they let you know where they stand and they don't BS about it. I don't agree with them, but I can respect that they are willing to say what they think without pretense or dissembling. Your approach is not just run of the mill nothing new here racist, but its gutless.
Folks, a quick apology. I wasted a lot of perfectly good comment space with that last response to Detroiter on the assumption that he was a rational, reasonable human being. Wrong.
I went back and looked at the site a little more in depth. It is purely a racist hate speech site. The site owner and the people who post there it is clear would be fine with killing every black person in America to the last man, woman and child and enslaving any they left alive. There is nothing to talk about with the blog owner or his supporters. They would kill everyone of us if they could.
I took a good look at this person's website and I must say that he or she has put a lot of energy into being really nasty. Yes, there are factions within the black community that is self-destructive, but is that representative of the entire black race? I could say the say for whites in this country in many regards. The way to voice your opinions is not to be biased and racist by stating that all blacks are crooks. There are millions of hardworking blacks throughout this country. I have personally written about Kwame Kilpatrick's infidelity and escapades with his chief of state at the expense of the city, which is experiencing such financial hardships at this time. While I could point fingers at many in the "white" establishment for misdeeds against blacks and others, I choose not to. This is a free country and it is within your rights to express your opinions, but what you have stated is flawed, patently ignorant and insulting, to say the least. You are, in essence, the very thing you have said you are not a BIGOT.
Janet - Thank you for the elaboration on your thoughts about Obama. I agree ... he needs to select excellent advisors. Judging from his success in running his campaign ... it appears that he has the ability to surround himself with talent. He appears to be comfortable with his own self-image...
re: Detroiter. You've said it all. He appears to be uninterested in having a civil discussion on the issues impacting Detroit, including the success or failures of Black elected leaders in that city...
Aaron/Alaine - I appreciate your detailed analysis of the issue. I need to drop by and read your blog more often in the future. I appreciated your lengthy response. It demonstrated a willingness to engage in dialogue. I must admit that Detroiter did show good manners by thanking me for the link to his blog. Perhaps he is able and willing to engage in a dialogue with us as well. Time will tell...
First of all, that website and it's author is racist. It might seem like he's just putting the news out, but if you're going to put the news out, put it out without being racist.
Secondly, I'm not going to agree with him but a lot of news in Detroit - I read was bad news.
I'm not from Detroit, and if I had to pick a place to live, Detroit will NOT be one of the places where I will go to live because I never really hear anything positive about it - not even from the residents.
They just laugh it off like it's nothing.
I might be wrong - maybe the reporters in Detroit are just crap.
Villager, old friend, by all means visit us at A Political Season. I'd like to think we are definitely contributing to the conversation out here. I lived in Detroit for eight years so I've been following the Mayor's scandal. As a person in the community development field, I was often frustrated with the nepotism, cronyism and corruption of the Kilpatrick administration. Further, now that he is a proven liar, the Manoogian mansion party scandal is being re-examined and the shooting death of Tamara Greene, the dancer said to be at his party is getting another look. So I will be continuing to look at that. I'm following Obama v. Clinton and other issues affecting black people and doing it from a principled black moderate republican conservative point of view. So I don't always tack with the crowd.
One of my interests is the issue of black accountability, which is why I'm following the Kwame mess. So by all means, come one, come all. There will be more to talk about.
Wooooow...I was not expecting that.
Detroit is replete with problems, but they run so much deeper than "the niggers".
This is probably one of the craziest things I have ever read...how on earth can they blame all of the problems in Detroit on the black folks? And what makes their word the truth?
Excuse my language, Villager, but they are the ones that need to wake the f*ck up...
Deidra - Oddly enough ... if I had complete freedom then Detroit is one of the places that I would choose to live. Mainly because of the potential for African Americans. Despite the bad acts of the current mayor ... the city is dominated by Black power brokers and Black opportunities for entrepreneurs and such. It would be a great place to build. After all, can't go much anywhere but up ...
...plus my oldest daughter was born and still lives there ... so I have family in the Motor City.
...In any case, your comments are well-taken...
Woozie & Ms. Marvalus - Yeah, it was an eye-opener for me too...
hi all-
far be it from me to not point out the reality as i see it.
a few bad apples can ruin the whole bunch.
for white supremacists that believe that blacks' inferior subhuman position mandates white domination---those brothers and sisters that are the counterparts of "poor white trash" are not doing anything to dispel the myths/lies. quite the contrary.
unfortunately whites are not judged by their underclass, black folks are. due to the effects of white supremacy there are a lot more blacks in this class than other nationalities. poor does not = criminal.
those of us that don't fit the description have got to reach out and pull up or with no uncertain terms speak out and denounce this situation. our steadfast refusal to do so makes us all look ridiculous and criminal. not to mention leaves unchecked suffering to run rampant in our communities.
i have the habit of visiting different sites to gain different perspectives. i often come away with a greater understanding that we must get ourselves, collectively, together.
i was on a blog site, recently, where the host is a big 'ole hard boiled white supremacist. as i shared historical facts with him and his readers, he shared current facts about the black community with me. of course with a kkklansman slant-yet nevertheless.
supported facts where there are grown men raping/murdering infants, toddlers, and women. routinely, grown men refusing to be responsible for anything. grown women refusing to be responsible for themselves, their reproductive responsibilities, their children and their safety, etc. etc. etc.
at a certain point, i am less concerned with the kkklansman's opinions and more concerned with the work we need/must undertake in our community in order to be "self-respecting" people.
p.s. it is my sincere belief that most whites are labored about what to call black folks in public and to our faces. in private,anger, or "hip hop" mode they resort to "traditional" language. their is a documentary by the same name "ni_ _er" check it out when you get a chance.
we must wake up and work together to save ourselves. the so-called "hip hop" mayor should resign. period. his behavior is indefensible. black man not withstanding. criminals should not feel safe with blacks just because they are black. we must implement and uphold non-negotiable standards in our community.
Mr. Villager, i don't mean to beat the same drum, however, until there is progress...
...it is all related.
Focused Purpose - You don't need to apologize for being true to yourself. I am very glad that you are staying strong and holding our people to a high standard. That is the way it should be.
I agree with you about Mayor Kirkpatrick. He needs to resign.
peace, Villager
The Detroiter would love to be able to say that Detroit's problems are all because of African Americans, and to be fair many are. But Michigan was in a recession before the rest of the country was. Detroit is a mess, but so is the rest of the state. He is looking for someone or something to blame and Blacks make a great scapegoat. The problem of Michigan is that everyone thinks the auto industry is going to come back and it isn't. Poor Whites in Ferndale and Hamtramack are not doing any better than Blacks in the city.
You should take the link to that crap off your blog. It's a waste of our time to view a site like that. Our time is better spent on sites that uplift, encourage, motivate, and inform Black people.
We have a lot of issues we need to work on and find answers to. We don't have time for such ignorance.
Detroit is a hole if you cannot see that from the freeway driving over I feel sorry for you. The city is not coming back blacks are just stealing what is left. Here's a fact; the median home price in Detroit is $22000. Here's a quick statistical lesson for you innumerate power to the people types. Median means that whatever that number is there are just as many numbers below it as above it. In other words there are just as many homes worth less than $22000 as there are more. Think about that then tell me Detroit is coming back. It's not. As far as blacks well I wouldn't blame them for the decline of the auto industry but alot of white people lost there jobs too and you don't see them rooting around 8 mile like a bunch of savages do you now? True corporations contribute to Kwame but corporations are only legal constructs that attempt to make money within the system. Would you be willing to blame Martin Luther King for the corporations? Everyone seems to be willing to give him credit for all the good of our current society. Finally about the N word; the truth hurts doesn't it? I think its a good word if it makes you mad enough about you and your peoples situation to do anything about it. It doesn't. It just makes your people cry "racism." So perhaps the N word is counterproductive but tell me another way to light a fire under you porch monkey asses? I will tell you the two biggest problems with your people. First and worst is your culture sees nothing wrong with making out of wedlock babies and not taking care of them. It is a problem that extends from the poorest to the richest of your people and on the poor end is what makes Detroit such a wasteland. It's got to stop for your people to improve. No more babies with names like "Seanique;" babies who are named such because Sean and Monique are to lazy to take care of the mess they created but want to keep track of who's who at the family reunion where the KFC, 40's and crack flow. Second your people need to get off welfare. By get off welfare I mean call the welfare office and tell them to quit sending the check. Take personal responsibility for the first time. You know you talk about slavery but freedom requires responsibility which your people seem unwilling to take. So I don't see what is so bad about slavery if your unwilling to be responsible. You could argue the degree by saying that chattel slavery is intolerable but slavery is ultimately a concept of the mind and I would argue that really your people have never overcome it but perhaps I would say that MLK and his brethren gilded your slavery. I hope this helps but you will probably just cry racism. I am still waiting to hear any effective criticism of blacks by blacks. We all know what happened to Bill Cosby. You may disagree with the opinions on Detroit is Crap but the stories are true. Remember the truth hurts but the only way your people might grow up is by facing reality. Welfare and illegitamacy homey; fix it!! I pray you can cause no one else can do it for you despite your cries of racism.
Homeland Colors - I appreciate your village voice and I hope you will share your insights more often in the future...
Anon - I respect you coming and sharing your thoughts on the situation in Detroit. I appreciate that you did so without calling me or others villagers derogatory names. Perhaps in future you will feel comfortable signing on with some name other than anonymous...
Well I am anonymous because I dont feel like having a bunch of e-mail accounts for every blog I go on. Also to be honest I'm not interested in being hunted down and called a racist for saying bad things about black people because as far as I am concerned there are alot of bad things that need to be said so maybe there can be some improvement. Anyway I am the one with the big anonymous post from March 28 and I will continue to be anonymous but will use the signature GIBBLER which is my Detroit is Crap post name. Now you can read my posts from there and I would be interested to see what you think, what conclusions you draw before I explain myself further. I will say though that if you read carefully you will see my general vision for what needs to be done somehow someway but you may miss it or might not find the right posts for a number of reasons. Also I don't think I totally am philosophically in tune with DIC-ADMIN but I respect his work to much to crticize him. You may disagree with the comments but remember the articles he posts are straight off the evening news so its not like he's making this stuff up. Yes name calling hurts but I think its high time your people wake up from your 160 year slumber and get cracking (no pun intended). Let me finish for now by saying that despite all the moaning and groaning from you blacks you have not even been the worst treated people in the history of this country. That distinction belongs to the american indian and what was done to that poor MF. Don't believe me? Visit a reservation sometime and quit feeling sorry for yourselves.
Gibbler - I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective. I agree with you that the genocide endured by the Original Americans is difficult to underestimate. I doubt that I will be over at the Detroit is Crap blog anytime soon. The vibe is simply too negative for any right-thinking African American. It goes without saying that you welcome to share our baobob tree whenever you have time or inclination...
Its GIBBLER. Well I read your blog again since there is not much here and it doesn't look like to many people are under the Baobab tree as you say. I got here originally from googling Detroit is Crap so at one point I guess you had something to say about that. Right now it doesn't look like anyone has much to say at all. I'm not looking to pick a fight. You started the blog so I think you should state some positions. I mean you have all your favorite links up there just like Detroit is Crap does. How about Geraldine Ferraro? I saw the link. Do you care to comment? Maybe after what happened to her you could understand why I would want to be anonymous. Can anyone even a former vp candidate say anything critical about black people? You should read my posts on DIC, it may inspire you to write and perhaps grow which is something your people desperately need to do. As it is the tone and the substance of this site strikes me as African American bureaucrats at work (pun intended). African american bureaucrats online who seek to have extramarital affairs with other african american bureaucrats on line in a lazy african american bureaucratic fashion.
GIBBLER again. Heres a youtube you should search "Operation Priscilla-South Africa." It shows 14 year old white girls be forced to smoke crack, shoot heroin and be prostitutes for Nigerian pimps in South Africa. Perhaps this might help you to see why whites might have some real concerns about Obama being elected president. Perhaps it will help you to understand why some whites wouldn't mind seeing a black hanging on a noose from the Baobab tree. Anyway it at least might inspire you to say something.
And I'm sure that Detroiter blames all white men for the Bush admins failures in terms of Iraq and the economy, right?
He probably loves to nurse his hate and myopia to the exclusion of anything else. Because the moment any kind of knowledge that disrupts such a corrupted world view might seep it, he might really go crazy.
He has to be written off but watched for who is ... a human being who refuses to grow.
Kwame .... maybe he should quit like Eliot Spitzer did. His behavior has less to do with race but more of his class as a prince of powerful political family. (The Detroiter can't see this because he probably hasn't considered that a black person can be of an elevated class. Imagine Detroiter's head exploding at that thought.)
Kwame does have an analog in his behavior (see
Edward Kennedy and Chappaquiddick..bright side Kwame didn't kill anyone) so I can see his reasons for holding on but
maybe he is serving more of a distraction than a leader right now?
Of course, if Hillary doesn't have to fall back for the greater good, why should Kwame?
Sorry for rambling.
And I have to visit the Electronic Village more often.
I Am Not Star Jones - You are much more patient than me and I praise you for it! Your points are all well-taken. I lived in Detroit for 8 years ... so I wish nothing but success for the city. Coleman Young must be turning in his grave to see what is happening in his city today, although he wouldn't be intimidated or bothered very much by any racist, white reaction to his powerful efforts to advocate for the city...
GIBBLER here; I am not DETROITER for what it is worth. You know people write to DETROIT IS CRAP who disagree and they at least get a reply. I do not seem to be getting even that. It speaks poorly of people like yourself who claim to speak for african americans in one form or degree. I may yet outline my philosophy for dealing with your race. It won't take but a couple of paragraphs but you afrocratic government issue types don't seem interested.
Gibbler - When you say something worthy of response ... then I will respond. You seem to be mostly interested in promoting your thoughts on race relations and they haven't seemed worthy of comment recently...
Ok so I'm not worthy thats a common enough tactic of black people towards whites. Blacks love it when whites hero worship them. Blacks just love to be pampered by whites just like the overgrown babies they are. Here's a common black white interaction: black and white both enter a fairly confined area, both will make eye contact at which point white will say "I'm sorry excuse me" in a bow of deference. The black will never initiate this; cultural norms anymore I guess. Well I'm not that kind of white person and fyi you initiated the discussion about Detroit is Crap. Unfortunately this is a waste of time it seems. Perhaps DIC ADMIN is right and your people are as dumb as he thinks you are; incapable of responding to any form of serious criticism. Look at TORRANCE STEPHENS BKA ALL-MI-T. To quote "LOL u wild. but Pontiac is LOL." Is that a balck thang I wouldn't understand or one I must understand? Should I have more deference to him cuz he has a dreadlocked ponytail. I love how one of you who has his hair all done up is always considered more intelligent or expects to be. Well until I here a positve staement from you I am done writing here. By positive, I mean an actual position on a subject. I guess to each his own and cyberspace is teaching me how dumb you shines really are. I just don't understand how this blog could have 72000 plus visitors. There must be some hoes up in one of them links. Right Lancelot?
So the Gibbler can't reply anymore.
I am going to take his last reply and see what I can do to it.
You said: "Ok so I'm not worthy thats a common enough tactic of black people towards whites. Blacks love it when whites hero worship them."
As if Blacks and Whites are monolithic, uniform groups.
See, that's strike one.
"Here's a common black white interaction: black and white both enter a fairly confined area, both will make eye contact at which point white will say "I'm sorry excuse me" in a bow of deference. The black will never initiate this; cultural norms anymore I guess."
How does this have anything to do with skin color? Sources? Come on, where are sources saying that common courtesy is not a part of these "cultural norms."
You said: "Perhaps DIC ADMIN is right and your people are as dumb as he thinks you are; incapable of responding to any form of serious criticism."
Or maybe you believed this all along and just pretended that you stumbled upon this revelation?
Vincent - Bless you for your patience. I find that some folks won't let go of their racial paradigms from the last century (or the one before that!)...
The odd thing is that this post seems to pop into my Top 5 every once in awhile even though it was originally posted over 8 months ago...
That is because the site detroitiscrap.com was Shut Down, and the wandering bigots have no place else to go so they continue to read old posts.
David G. - You just made my day! I'm very glad to learn that the site has been SHUT DOWN!!!
Hello everyone. Yes, I thought that website was finally shut down but they have a blogspot now instead. I guess to cheap to pay for a website to spew their hate. It's at detroitiscrap.blogspot.com. I use to come to their website when I found them a few years ago and argue with the members but it was like arguing with sheep...useless. Most members are white nationalist (as they call themselves now KKK), or apart of that still racist group the MI Militia group that produced the OK city bomber Timonthy McFey (?). They fool no one.
Either the Afroshphere has "Kosed" their site with too much traffic or they took the site down?
Judging by Detroiter's comments, there is no need to rush over there to decide how bad the site is.
I was reading the thoughtful comments here.
"I must admit that Detroiter did show good manners by thanking me for the link to his blog. Perhaps he is able and willing to engage in a dialogue with us as well."
Villager, you are a much more patient and forgiving person than I could ever be.
I disagree with this by focusedpurpose a bit:
"unfortunately whites are not judged by their underclass, black folks are."
Poor white people, and I know a lot of them (seen it and been it), are judged by this standard and hurting every bit as much as poor black people right now because, and I truly believe this:
There is a class war going on.
And the poor are losing this war. So is the middle class, and to such a degree that more and more of the middle class are moving into the poor house - IF they haven't lost their home altogether?
There were people in this town that were a bit worried about letting their kids come over and play with ours when we first moved to here. Why? Because we lived on the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. At least, it was the wrong side till it started to become YUPPIE-ized in the years before the bubble.
The poor are being driven out of this town, regardless of these people's race, and the few that are doing anything about it are running into the same insurmountable walls. Our mayor was not asking what color their skin was when she was directing the police to give the homeless bus fare to the city down the highway. (She refuses to give a permit to the people that want to start a homeless shelter).
They/we all are getting pretty darn equal treatment right now in these respects. And from the same people.
As a last thought on this: Would the term "white trash" even exist if there were not a grain of truth to what I am saying?
Like I said... I only disagree a bit. There is no ignoring the fact that the poor, today, is a class largely made up of minorities. And there is a bigoted vocal group that would love to blame those minorities for being kicked when they are down.
Connecticut Man - I appreciate your comments and analysis. I'm glad that the site no longer exists and I have hopes that our nation can continue to evolve and overcome both our race and class animosity...
the level of denial on this blog is unbelievable. Detroit is totally run by blacks from the Council to the mayors to the schools to police to everything. And it keeps getting worse and worse with random crimes happening for no reason mostly by blacks everyday. People get shot in the street, beat up, robbed, raped, gangsta rap, it's all there, it's obvious as a blue sky that it's a black problem
and let's not forget the disproportionate amount of crime that Blacks do in this country. Blacks are 12% of the population but 50% of the prison population and that's only convicted crimes not for all crimes
here's black on white rape
37,460 rapes of White Women by black men in 2005 — Black women raped by White men — 0
Diogenes, nobody is in denial about anything.
Yes, people understand that the voting habits of the Detroit population are part of the reason why the problems persist, but it also has to do with the automobile industries, which consist of corporations with mostly White managements.
No, what everyone on this blog is objecting to is that DetroitIsCrap is feebly trying to use the situation of Detroit as evidence that dark-skinned people are innately sub-human and inferior. Of course this reasoning is vile and repulsive.
BTW, do you have any sources for thsoe statistics that you have? How do you measure what is in, or out of, proportion?
"Yes, people understand that the voting habits of the Detroit population are part of the reason why the problems persist, but it also has to do with the automobile industries, which consist of corporations with mostly White managements."
---how does it have to do with the automobile industries? The companies that provide jobs you mean? The automobile industries are causing crime, rape, theft, gangsta rap, murder?
"No, what everyone on this blog is objecting to is that DetroitIsCrap is feebly trying to use the situation of Detroit as evidence that dark-skinned people are innately sub-human and inferior. Of course this reasoning is vile and repulsive."
---it doesn't need 1 city for an example. It can use the ENTIRE United States, and I have already shown that 50% of crimes are done by blacks even though they're 12% of the population! Read "The color of Crime" by Jared Taylor
"BTW, do you have any sources for thsoe statistics that you have? How do you measure what is in, or out of, proportion?"
--I JUST GAVE YOU THE LINK to David Duke's website which cites the Department of Justice's sexual assault statistics.
do you UNDERSTAND the concept of disproportionate? You don't see how it is disproportionate of the black population (12% total) to be doing 50% of all crimes?
Blacks are the worst bigots around. I have been called names, assaulted and robbed by them. They seem to think that they were entitled to do these things to me since I was a "white devil". My family immigrated to the states long after slavery. I was never taught racism by my family but I learned it soon enough after my encounters with blacks. Oddly enough I don't have to do anything to get back at them since they are doing a great job of keeping themselves down. Detroit IS crap and I'm glad I no longer live in Michigan. I now live in San Antonio a REAL city of diversity.
It's pretty ridiculous that you're calling this buy a bigot while you run an obviously exclusionary racist site yourself.
If we're all the same why do we need black sites or white sites?
You're just trying to make him your scapegoat.
He said: "---how does it have to do with the automobile industries? The companies that provide jobs you mean? The automobile industries are causing crime, rape, theft, gangsta rap, murder?"
Notice the unemployment levels rising within the City of Detroit? Having major unemployment and lack of job opportunities contributes to crime, rape, theft, etc. - The automobile industry in Michigan has suffered, and Detroit is paying the price.
He said: "---it doesn't need 1 city for an example. It can use the ENTIRE United States, and I have already shown that 50% of crimes are done by blacks even though they're 12% of the population! Read "The color of Crime" by Jared Taylor"
The Southern Poverty Law Center demonstrated that Taylor is a racist, and that the only people who take his book seriously are racists - The SPLC implied that his logic is flawed: http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=215
The site says: "In the late 1990s, he came out with The Color of Crime, a booklet that tries to use crime statistics so as to "prove" that blacks are far more criminally prone than whites. That racist booklet is now a staple of white supremacists like former Klansman David Duke. "
He said: "--I JUST GAVE YOU THE LINK to David Duke's website which cites the Department of Justice's sexual assault statistics."
Most Americans do not take David Duke seriously. He mostly likely misrepresented the DOJ stats to support his argument.
Even though I know that white people may commit some stupid crimes at about the same rate as black people,it is not reported at the same rate. However, that Detroit is Crap site does bring up some points that black people must take with a grain of salt. One of the points was about the DDOT bus drivers being attacked.
Although he had to slur Rosa Parks name, he mentions the fact that she sat down to stand up for blacks to even get to ride in the front of the bus. But yet some 56 years later you have blacks beating the crap out of a black bus driver. Are you serious???
He also points out the over sensitivity of blacks on whites using the word "nigger" or the hanging of nooses. 1st of all, where is all of this out rage on blacks calling each other nigger or killing each other??
True, racism will probably live forever here in America, but if black people want the respect then respect yourselves and STOP doing the things that this idiot on DIC.com can make light of.
I dont agree with history that states that the self hatred in blacks is the cause of all of the problems in the community. Everyone know right from wrong, and if you do wrong, you should get checked on it. A lot of the stupidity goes unchecked and builds the confidence that it OK to do this.
It's probably just to easy to say that if you want a lot of ills in the black community to stop, then stop with the self infliction. But there need to be a check and balance on accountability by self and the community.
T-Zone - I agree that it is up to our own community to fix many things. Self-responsibility is important. Doesn't excuse racism ... but, it is something that we should check each other on. Thanx for taking time to share your perspective...
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