Momentum is building in our efforts to gain Justice for LaVena Johnson!
The love and persistence of her family in the three years since LaVena was killed has been remarkable. The online activism of Philip Barron of Wave Flux, Shakesville has been equally remarkable. In fact, it was Bro. Barron's LaVena Johnson Petition that created the first call to action as he collected 12,000 signatures to be delivered to the Armed Services Committee.
'Original Villager' Danielle Vyas created an online petition calling on Congress and the President to re-open her case. She plans to close out her online petition when it reaches 3000 signatures. Currently, 1837 signatures have been collected. Have you signed it yet?
The brothers and sisters from Color of Change created the newest petition calling for answers in this case directed to Congressman Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Gabriel Rey-Goodlatte and his crew at Color of Change are well-known for their work on Jena Six. It is a good sign that they are on board with this fig
ht to re-open LaVena Johnson's case.
LaVena's family conducted an interview on Amy Goodman’s radio and television show Democracy Now! I encourage all villagers to check out video coverage of the story.
You can help the momentum. I encourage you to contact your representatives directly on behalf of Justice for LaVena Johnson. This additional step may make all the difference.
I'm interested in hearing your take on the efforts to re-open the LaVena Johnson case. What say u?
The love and persistence of her family in the three years since LaVena was killed has been remarkable. The online activism of Philip Barron of Wave Flux, Shakesville has been equally remarkable. In fact, it was Bro. Barron's LaVena Johnson Petition that created the first call to action as he collected 12,000 signatures to be delivered to the Armed Services Committee.
'Original Villager' Danielle Vyas created an online petition calling on Congress and the President to re-open her case. She plans to close out her online petition when it reaches 3000 signatures. Currently, 1837 signatures have been collected. Have you signed it yet?
The brothers and sisters from Color of Change created the newest petition calling for answers in this case directed to Congressman Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Gabriel Rey-Goodlatte and his crew at Color of Change are well-known for their work on Jena Six. It is a good sign that they are on board with this fig

LaVena's family conducted an interview on Amy Goodman’s radio and television show Democracy Now! I encourage all villagers to check out video coverage of the story.
You can help the momentum. I encourage you to contact your representatives directly on behalf of Justice for LaVena Johnson. This additional step may make all the difference.
I'm interested in hearing your take on the efforts to re-open the LaVena Johnson case. What say u?
This Struggle should continue to be a UNITED effort, reaching for the SAME goals.
Those goals consists of bringing her Killers to Justice and Clearing her name.
Thanks for the update on the situation.
God Bless
RB - I agree with the goals as you state them. The first step in that process is to get Congress to re-open her case. Hopefully, we can 'make it so'!
Hey Villager!
What steps have been taken by the NAACP or NAN or National U.L.? I think I hear crickets...
{shaking my head}
Lisa - NAACP and Sharpton's NAN simply don't get it yet on issues such as this one. However, truth to tell I'm not sure if they have been involved or not. I will reach out to get contact information for the branch offices in St. Louis area...
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