It is time for all chickens to come home to roost. It is time for Karl Rove to pay a price for his cynical and criminal arrogance. Villagers, we have a unique opportunity right now to send Karl Rove to jail, but only if we take immediate action.
Drumbeats from Robert Greenwald encourage us to pressure the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee, make them hold Rove in contempt and send him to jail. We've never had such a direct opportunity to hold Rove accountable. No, this is not enough punishment for his years and years of crimes, but it's a huge start, and will send a very clear message to the entire Bush administration.
Take a moment to check out this video that explains the issues surrounding Rove's failure to testify before Congress, and why Rove should be held in contempt and sent to jail:
Finally, I encourage all villagers to sign the petition asking the House Judiciary Committee to hold Rove in contempt.
What say u?
Definitely signed!
If anyone doubts the guilt of Karl Rove I highly recommend the documentary "Bush's Brain".
Karl Rove since his college Republican days has redefined what a dirty politician means.
Bill Clinton once said that he would love to pick Rove's brain due to his political game playing.
That says a lot.
I am so grateful for what is progressing for LaVena Johnson's case as well. I can't wait to see what ColorofChange will implement for their campaign and to see where the recent congressional report will lead.
In light and love
Danielle - I wonder what it sez about the Democratic-controlled congress if they let folks like Rove completely disreprect their subpoena powers. How can they ever provide oversight if they cannot compel citizens to tell the truth during hearings. I 'spose that Dennis Kucinovich may have similiar problems in his impeachment-lite hearings...
re: LaVena. It is good that a group such as ColorofChange gets a hold of a campaign such as hers. I'd like the online petition to reach its goal of 1,000... last I looked we were in the mid-600s.
"I wonder what it sez about the Democratic-controlled congress if they let folks like Rove completely disreprect their subpoena powers. How can they ever provide oversight if they cannot compel citizens to tell the truth during hearings."
lol...Villager, surely you jest!
When it comes to the Dems, with the exception of TWO, maybe THREE, brave souls, I've never seen a bigger group of PUNK-azzez in my life!
Truthiz - Out of curiosity, who do you see as those 2-3 brave souls in Congress? Perhaps we should take time to honor the good ones instead of blasting the bad ones...
he cant even perp walk right, ghreat post, im rolling folk
Torrance - Just doin' what we do. Hope you noticed your book is our current 'Village Bestseller' in the sidebar...
Hey Villager!
Karl Rove has so much protection around him politically that I will be flabbergasted if he sees jail time...so many politicians owe him it is outrageous...and HE WILL demand that they pay up when he's facing jail time...
Lisa - Yeah, I know you're right ... hell, Cheney's butt-boy didn't get jail time, so there is little chance that Bush's butt-boy is gonna do any hard time...
But, it's nice to keep his lawyer fees on the rise!
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